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  1. May 21, 2014 · But physicists see vibration everywhere because they don't get hung up on the movement or noise bit. If you look past the movement and noise, all vibrations are just a change that keeps happening over and over again — like your phone or toothbrush just moving from side to side at the same rate over and over again.

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  3. May 18, 2019 · Everywhere in the universe there is a field called the electron field. A physical electron isn’t the field, but rather a localized vibration in the field. In fact, every electron in the universe is a similar localized vibration of that single field.

  4. Aug 5, 2013 · In the QFT approach, a vibration in the electron field induces a vibration in the photon field. The photon field vibration transports energy and momentum to another electron vibration and is...

  5. Apr 6, 2016 · 1. Why do objects vibrate? Objects vibrate because of the energy and forces acting on them. When an object is disturbed or has a force applied to it, the energy causes the object to move back and forth, creating vibrations. 2. How are vibrations created?

  6. Vibrations and waves are everywhere. If you take any system and disturb it from a stable equilibrium, the resultant motion will be waves and vibrations. Think of a guitar string—pluck the string, and it vibrates. The sound waves generated make their way to our ears, and we hear the string’s sound.

  7. Feb 9, 2017 · Tiny vibrating strings of energy make up every particle in the universe, according to Sera Cremonini and other string theorists. The theory also allows the possibility of additional dimensions beyond space and time.

  8. Feb 21, 2020 · Dimensional disaster. In string theory, little loops of vibrating stringiness (in the theory, they are the fundamental object of reality) manifest as the different particles (electrons, quarks...

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