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  1. A Bachelor of Science ( BS, B.Sc. , SB, or ScB; from the Latin scientiae baccalaureus) [1] is a bachelor's degree awarded for programs that generally last three to five years. [2] The first university to admit a student to the degree of Bachelor of Science was the University of London in 1860. [3] In the United States, the Lawrence Scientific ...

  2. Jun 24, 2014 · A Bachelor of Science Degree, most often abbreviated as a BS or BSc Degree, is an undergraduate science-focused degree that takes 3-5 years to complete. This timeline varies based on the school’s BS or BSC degree requirements, degree area of focus, student needs, and any previously earned transfer credits. In the United States and Canada, the ...

  3. Bachelor of Science designa uma licenciatura em um país de língua inglesa. É obtido após três anos na Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Índia e África do Sul, e após quatro anos nos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, País de Gales, Irlanda do Norte, Quebec, Singapura, Arábia Saudita, Escócia e Hong Kong . A primeira universidade a admitir um ...

  4. Bachelor of Science. Bachelor of Science ( slovensky bakalár vied, latinsky Scientiae Baccalaureus [1]) , skratka BSc, Bc., BS, B.Sc, SB, SB, Sc.B.) je anglosaský akademický titul. Jeho slovenským ekvivalentom je titul bakalár. Udeľuje sa väčšinou po absolvovaní trojročného, alebo štvorročného študijného odboru, v menšej miere ...

  5. Bachelor of Science ( BS, BSc, B. sc., SB, atau ScB; dari bahasa Latin scientiae baccalaureus) [1] adalah gelar akademik yang sering diberikan di Dunia Barat untuk program sarjana di bidang ilmu pengetahuan murni dan teknologi. Program sarjana untuk mendapatkan gelar Bachelor of Science umumnya diselesaikan dalam tiga hingga lima tahun.

  6. Bachelor of Medical Sciences. A Bachelor of Medical Sciences ( BMedSci, BMedSc, BSc (Med), BMSc) is an undergraduate academic degree involving study of a variety of disciplines related to human health leading to an in depth understanding of human biology and associated research skills such as study design, statistics and laboratory techniques ...

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