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  1. Celtic languages - Insular, Dialects, Grammar | Britannica. Contents. Home Geography & Travel Languages. Linguistic characteristics of the Insular Celtic tongues. The new languages, the only forms of Celtic that are known thoroughly, present a considerable number of unusual features, some of them unknown to other Indo-European languages.

  2. The Celtic languages that survived into the modern period – Welsh, Irish, Breton, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, and Cornish (the last two only recently extinct) – are spoken as primary languages by about a million people, although easily twice that number might be counted as fluent speakers.

  3. Historical Irish / Gaelic. Old Irish / Goídelc. Resources. Guide to Old Irish spelling. Morphology. Classical Gaelic / Gáoidhealg. Resources. Notes on Classical Gaelic Grammar. Primitive Irish and Ogham.

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