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  1. With its long legs and elegant neck the Gray Heron strikes a regal pose as it stands motionless in shallow water, waiting to strike at unsuspecting fish. During the breeding season, these large herons join treetop breeding colonies where they showcase their exquisite breeding plumes in courtship displays and work tirelessly to feed a nest full of chattering, insatiable chicks. Gray Heron ...

  2. Little Blue Heron, photo by Tammy Karr. The family Ardeidae consists of about 64 species of long-necked, long-legged, water birds with dagger bills and diet consisting largely of fish, frogs, and aquatic crustaceans. Semantically however, herons are muddled by the fact that many of them are referred to as egrets.

  3. The Heron belongs to a group of aquatic birds in the Ardeidae family. Most Herons have long legs, long necks, and long, pointed beaks. There are several different types, including egrets, bitterns, and night Herons. There are over 60 different species in the Heron family, and at least 18 different taxonomic genuses. Read on to learn about the ...

  4. Heron is the common name for any of the long-legged, long-necked, wading birds comprising the family Ardeidae of the order Ciconiiformes. Some in this family are more specifically designated egrets or bitterns instead of herons. Within the family, all members of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus are referred to as bitterns, and—including the ...

  5. A small, dark heron arrayed in moody blues and purples, the Little Blue Heron is a common but inconspicuous resident of marshes and estuaries in the Southeast. They stalk shallow waters for small fish and amphibians, adopting a quiet, methodical approach that can make these gorgeous herons surprisingly easy to overlook at first glance. Little Blue Herons build stick nests in trees alongside ...

  6. Dec 9, 2015 · The “Wurdemann’s” Heron of the Florida Keys is the product of mixed pairings between Great Blue and Great White herons. It is intermediate in size and plumage, showing a Great Blue–like body but usually with a variably whitish head and neck. Little Egret (vagrant) Little Egret (breeding adult).

  7. The Great Blue Heron is the largest and most familiar heron in Tennessee. It is a year round resident and often mistakenly referred to as a “crane”. The Great Blue Heron is widespread across North America in both saltwater and freshwater habitats from southern Alaska and central Canada southward to northern Central America and the Caribbean.

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