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  1. Papias (Greek: Παπίας) was a Greek Apostolic Father, Bishop of Hierapolis (modern Pamukkale, Turkey), and author who lived c. 60 – c. 130 AD [2] [3] He wrote the Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord (Greek: Λογίων Κυριακῶν Ἐξήγησις) in five books.

  2. Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, Phrygia (now in Turkey), and one of the Apostolic Fathers. His work, although extant only in fragments, provides important apostolic oral source accounts of the history of primitive Christianity and of the origins of the Gospels.

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · Who was Papias of Hierapolis? Answer Little is known about the life and death of Papias (c. AD 60–130) other than he was the bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor (now modern Turkey), and he recorded details regarding Jesus and the apostles in five books entitled Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord .

  4. Sep 18, 2013 · Papias. Bishop of Hierapolis (close to Laodicea and Colossae in the valley of the Lycus in Phrygia) and Apostolic Father, called by St. Irenaeus "a hearer of John, and companion of Polycarp, a man of old time". He wrote a work in five books, logion kyriakon exegesis, of which all but some fragments is lost.

  5. Papias, Saint, Bishop of Hierapolis (close to Laodicea and Colossae in the valley of the Lycus in Phrygia) and Apostolic Father, called by St. Irenaeus “a hearer of John, and companion of Polycarp, a man of old time”. He wrote a work in five books, Greek: logion, kuriakon eksegesis, of which all but some fragments is lost.

  6. The residence of the Apostle Philip with his daughters in Hierapolis has been mentioned above. We must now point out how Papias, who lived at the same time, relates that he had received a wonderful narrative from the daughters of Philip. For he relates that a dead man was raised to life in his day.

  7. Information on Papias. I consider the fragment X of the Roberts-Donaldson collection of fragments to be completely suspect as the alleged words of Papias. Schoedel writes about Papias (The Anchor Bible Dictionary, v. 5, p. 140):

  8. Jan 29, 2021 · Papias was the bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor. He was active in the second century, although he was born in the first. Other writers tell us that he personally knew the Apostle John.

  9. A bishop of the 1st and 2nd cent. Papias was bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia Pacatiana, a town a few m. N of Laodicea and about one hundred m. E of Ephesus. A little later in the 2nd cent., Claudius Apollinaris the apologete was bishop of the see. Papias prob. was born in the decade a.d. 60-70.

  10. PAPIAS OF HIERAPOLIS. Bishop and chronicler of primitive Christianity; b. c. a.d. 60 or 70; d. c. 125. Information on Papias is supplied by eusebius of caesarea (Hist. Eccl. 2.15.2, 3.39.13) and irenaeus of lyons (Adv. haer. 5.33.4).

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