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  1. Sophie Chang (; born 1944) is a Taiwanese philanthropist, author and painter. She is chairperson of the TSMC Charity Foundation, chairperson of the Weiyi Social Welfare Charity Foundation, director of the Dunan Foundation and director of the Modern Women's Foundation.

  2. 張淑芬 Sophie Chang. 行善不遺餘力的藝術家!. 擔任台積電慈善基金會董事長,十年公益之路堅持走第一線,長期關注偏鄉培力與關懷弱勢。. 張淑芬同時也是知名國際級畫家,其畫作同時結合抽象畫派及中國風意境,畫作更曾登於香港蘇富比與佳士得拍賣會。. 她 ...

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  4. Sophie Chang (Chinese: 張淑芬; pinyin: Zhāng Shúfēn; born 1944) is a Taiwanese philanthropist, author and painter. She is chairperson of the TSMC Charity Foundation, chairperson of the Weiyi Social Welfare Charity Foundation, director of the Dunan Foundation and director of the Modern Women's Foundation.

  5. Get the latest Player Stats on Sophie Chang including her videos, highlights, and more at the official Women's Tennis Association website. ... Davis outlasts Chang to ...

  6. Philanthropy has been Sophie Chang’s mission in life, and painting has been an outlet for her emotions and creative energy. She has not adopted the identity of a painter for very long, but in such a short time she has already developed a unique voice and technical mastery based on her considerable talent and intensive study of the works of European, American, and Chinese masters.

  7. Davis outlasts Chang to reach round of 16 at New Haven 125K 2019 - NEW HAVEN 125K - UNITED STATES • September 4, 2019 Welcome to the tour: All of 2022's WTA debutantes

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