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  1. Welcome to Sticky Notes! We're still the best way to write quick notes on your Windows desktop, but now you can also take your sticky notes with you, allowing you to capture, find, and use your notes across apps and your favorite devices.

  2. made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches: a sticky mess. sticky fingers. The floor's still sticky where I spilled the juice. The children's faces were sticky with chocolate. Compare. non-stick. stuck adjective. If the weather is sticky, it is very hot and the air feels wet.

  3. Synonyms for STICKY: adhesive, gummy, gluey, adherent, glutinous, clingy, tacky, tenacious; Antonyms of STICKY: nonviscous, nonadhesive, dry, fresh, cool, refreshing, crisp, bracing

  4. Definitions of sticky. adjective. having the sticky properties of an adhesive. synonyms: clingy, gluey, glutinous, gummy, mucilaginous, pasty, viscid, viscous. adhesive. tending to adhere. adjective. covered with an adhesive material. synonyms: adhesive. tending to adhere. adjective. hot or warm and humid. “ sticky weather” synonyms: muggy, steamy.

  5. sticky. adjective. /ˈstɪki/ (comparative stickier, superlative stickiest) Idioms. made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it. sticky fingers covered in jam. There's a dish of mango with sweet sticky rice. Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough.

  6. 5 days ago · 1. covered or daubed with an adhesive or viscous substance. sticky fingers. 2. having the property of sticking to a surface. 3. (of weather or atmosphere) warm and humid; muggy. 4. (of prices) tending not to fall in deflationary conditions.

  7. STICKY meaning: 1 : having a substance (such as glue or honey) on it that things easily attach to covered in a substance that things stick to; 2 : tending to have things attach to it tending to have things stick to it.

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