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  1. Albania remained under Ottoman control as part of the province of Rumelia until 1912. After a short occupation by the Kingdom of Serbia, the first independent Albanian state was founded by the Albanian Declaration of Independence. An Albanian national consciousness was formed in the later 19th century.

  2. The Article 14 of the Albanian Constitution states that "The official language in the Republic of Albania is Albanian." [2] According to the 2011 population census, 2,765,610, 98.767% of the population declared Albanian as their mother tongue ("mother tongue is defined as the first or main language spoken at home during childhood").

  3. The Tour of Albania (Albanian: Turi Çiklistik i Shqipërisë) is a multi-day cycling race held annually in Albania. In 2017, the race was added to the UCI Europe Tour calendar in category 2.2. [ 1 ]

  4. The official newspaper of the Albanian government, Perlindja e Shqipëniës, in its opening page article titled "Speech of the King's in-law – Royal Court – Crown of Albania", dated 28 February 1914, gives an elaborate depiction of the coat of arms: [15] The crown of Albania, made of gold and lined with silk, has ten peaks.

  5. Books about Albania and the Albanian people ( Reference of books (and some journal articles) about Albania and the Albanian people; their history, language, origin, culture, literature, etc. Public domain books, fully accessible online. M. Dobrescu, Momente din istoria Albaniei, vol 1,2, Editura Privirea, Craiova, 2013

  6. The trend for agritourism is a form of tourism in the countryside which combines agriculture and tourism and is exponentially developing in Albania. [13] The government of Albania has identified this form of tourism as an important and sustainable tourism opportunity and prioritised its development as a rural economic diversification concept within the country's 100+ villages Programme.

  7. Albanija (albanski: Shqipëria, u prijevodu Zemlja orlova) sredozemna je država jugoistočne Europe Europe.Graniči s Crnom Gorom na sjeveru, Kosovom na sjeveroistoku, Sjevernom Makedonijom na istoku, Grčkom na jugu, Jadranskim morem na zapadu te Jonskim morem na jugozapadu.

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