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  1. Azure Event Hubs documentation. Learn how to use Event Hubs to ingest millions of events per second from connected devices and applications.

  2. Describe the benefits of using Event Hubs and how it captures streaming data. Explain how to process events. Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library.

  3. Mar 13, 2023 · Create an event hub. Run the following command to create an event hub. Update the name of the event hub if you like. # Create an event hub. Specify a name for the event hub. eventhubName="contosoehub$RANDOM" az eventhubs eventhub create --name $eventhubName --resource-group $rgName --namespace-name $namespaceName

  4. Sep 12, 2017 · Azure Event Hubs. Azure Event Hubs is designed with focus on the data point event scenario. An Event Hub is an “event ingestor” that accepts and stores event data, and makes that event data available for fast “pull” retrieval.

  5. Azure Event Hubs is a fully-managed, real-time data ingestion service that is simple, secure, and scalable. Event Hubs lets you stream millions of events per second from any source so you can build dynamic data pipelines and respond to business challenges immediately.

  6. Oct 12, 2022 · Azure Event Hubs enables you to stream millions of events per second from any source using Kafka, AMQP or HTTPS protocols and build end-to-end event streaming pipelines. We are excited to announce the availability of several new features and major enhancements in Azure Event Hubs, which will be available in Q4 of calendar year 2022.

  7. Nov 27, 2023 · Azure Event Hubs is a Big Data streaming platform and event ingestion service that can receive and process millions of events per second. Event Hubs can process and store events, data, or telemetry produced by distributed software and devices.

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