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  1. Apr 30, 2024 · The bleeding heart plant (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) gets its common name from its puffy, heart-shaped pink flowers that dangle from long, arching stems. Beneath the heart shape is a protruding white petal that looks like a drop—hence the "bleeding" in bleeding heart.

  2. Bleeding Heart is a member of the poppy family of flowering plants, Papaveraceae. Named for its heart-shaped flowers that dangle above the foliage, Bleeding Heart belongs to the genus Dicentra which includes 8 species native to eastern Asia and North America.

  3. Bleeding heart plant ( Lamprocapnos spectabilis) is a herbaceous perennial that grows in early to mid-spring and is a member of the poppy family. Originally from Asia, bleeding hearts came to western countries in the middle of the nineteenth century. The heart-shaped flowers hang off delicate arched stems and bloom in late spring to early summer.

  4. Dicentra spectabilis (syn. Dicentra spectabilis) also known as Venus's car, bleeding heart, Dutchman's trousers, or lyre flower, is a perennial herbaceous plant native to eastern Asia from Siberia south to Japan wp.

  5. The old-fashioned “bleeding heart” flower has long been a favorite perennial of the shady flower garden. This hardy plant blooms prolifically in early spring and finishes its growing cycle when warm weather sets in. Learn when to plant bleeding heart, how to care for it, and other tips in our growing guide. About Bleeding Heart Flower.

  6. Bleeding hearts are commonly grown as shade-garden ornamentals and are native to the temperate woodlands of eastern Asia and North America. All parts of the plants are considered poisonous if ingested. Asian bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis). (more) Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria).

  7. Bleeding Heart is a common garden ornamental. Valentine’s day brings hearts of all kinds but in the Midwest you have to wait a little longer for the popular garden ornamental known as common or old-fashioned bleeding heart to come into bloom.

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