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  1. Chimichurri Sauce Whole Foods - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Chimichurri Sauce
    Meet the green sauce that’s not pesto but just as good: Chimichurri! Hailing from Argentina, this herby and savory sauce is classically paired with beef. With garlic, vinegar and jalapeno backing up tender parsley and cilantro, this sauce can hold its own when served alongside rich beef, and it’s acidic components turn up the flavor on the whole meal. So you’ll definitely want to give this mouthwatering combination a try next time you grill up a steak and don’t stop there. You can use chimichurri as a dressing for your grain salad, a condiment on your sandwich, a dip for your grilled veggies—there’s no wrong answer here. So quick before your bundles of parsley and cilantro go limp in the fridge, throw them into the blender or food processor and make up a batch of this other green sauce.
    Extra Special Grilled Steak Dinner
    Hangar steak is a cut you need to use more. It is incredibly tender, with a fantastically rich, beefy flavor and open texture that takes well to seasonings. It might be a little tricky to find (we picked it up at our local Whole Foods), but it is worth seeking out for a special steak dinner. Here it’s marinated briefly in a combination of fish sauce to deepen its savory meatiness; brown sugar, which melts to form a glaze on the surface; and garlic for extra umami depth. If you can’t find hanger steak, you can use skirt steak or flank steak. And if you don’t have fish sauce on hand, sub in soy sauce. A simple herb vinaigrette—similar to chimichurri but quicker and easier—brings everything together.
  1. Searches related to chimichurri sauce whole foods

    where to buy chimichurri sauce whole foods