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  1. Nov 2, 2023 · See a visualization of the Herodian family tree and key events in the New Testament related to members of the Herodian family.

  2. The Herodian dynasty began with Herod the Great, who assumed the throne of Judea, with Roman support, bringing down the century-old Hasmonean Kingdom. His kingdom lasted until his death in 4 BCE, when it was divided among his sons and daughter as a tetrarchy, which lasted for about 10 years.

  3. He was the second son of Antipater the Idumaean, a high-ranking official under ethnarch Hyrcanus II, and Cypros, a Nabatean Arab princess from Petra, in present-day Jordan. Herod's father was by descent an Edomite; his ancestors had converted to Judaism.

  4. HEROD THE GREAT. King over Palestine. 37-4 B.C. (Jesus born—Matthew 1:1-19; Luke 1:5)

  5. Herod the Great, a notorious king known for his ambitious projects and tyrannical rule, left an indelible mark on the Judean state during his reign. With careful genealogy research, we can understand his lineage and how his parents and ancestors contributed to his rise.

  6. Sep 21, 2020 · Herod’s family tree. Let’s dive into this fascinating family and see how getting to know them a little better impacts our grasp of Jesus’ story. Where it all began. The Herodian dynasty really begins with Herod the Great’s father, Antipater. Antipater was an Edomite.

  7. Herod the Great, founder of the dynasty, tried to kill the infant Jesus by the “slaughter of the innocents” at Bethlehem. Herod Philip, uncle and first husband of Herodias, was not a ruler. Herodias left Herod Philip to marry his half-brother Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee & Perea.

  8. 1. Herod the Great, founder of the dynasty, tried to kill the infant Jesus by the “slaughter of the innocents” at Bethlehem. [1] Darrell Bock stated, “Herod the Great rebuilt much of the city of Jerusalem and started the restoration of the great temple. Education and economic vitality came to the region, intermixed with … Continue ...

  9. Antipater I the Idumaean [a] (113 or 114 BCE [1] – 43 BCE) was the founder of the Herodian Dynasty and father of Herod the Great. According to Josephus , he was the son of Antipas [ b ] and had formerly held that name.

  10. Herod the Great. King of Judea (37-4 B.C.), an Idumean (from Edom), who, through political maneuvering and the support of Mark Antony, managed to be appointed ruler of a large part of Palestine (Canaan) by the Roman Senate in 40 B.C. He is mentioned in Matt. 2:1-19 and Luke 1:5.

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