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  1. How To Cook Red Potatoes On Stove Top - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cabbage, Sausage, Potato Stew with Gaia Goodness Banana Mango Ketchup
    I recently published this recipe on my own blog Sausage, Cabbage, and Potato Stew is a hearty, smoky, zesty, spicy dish that is perfect for the Winter or any time of year for that matter. I live in sunny Los Angeles where it is warm the majority of the time and I still love to make this dish. I first experienced this amazing threesome in a bowl while I was staying with my Aunt and Uncle in DC. My Aunt April used to make sausage, cabbage, and potato stew and it quickly became one of my favorite meals. Over the years I have adapted my own recipe and recently added my signature Banana Mango Ketchup to the mix. The ketchup adds a rich caramel color and robust flavor that really enhances this already delectable dish. The stew can be cooked in a crock pot, a pressure cooker, a dutch oven, or a deep pot on top of the stove. I’ll be showing you how to prepare the stew in a crock pot. I especially love this method because I can put everything in, go about my day and come home to an irresistible dinner. Using a crock pot is also a great way to avoid slaving over a fiery stove in hot climates! I enjoy a nice cold beer with this dish, like Angry Orchard, Guinness, or Dilirium Tremens.