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  1. Russian “К” looks almost like the Latin “K”. The hardly noticeable difference is an absence of hook in a lowercase letter - “к” vs “k”. “К” is pronounced as English “K” - [к] / [k] ( к олос - [ к олас] / [kolʌs]). When uttering a soft consonant [k’] / [k’], the tongue moves forward and makes a bow with ...

  2. Jan 2, 2024 · The Russian Alphabet Pronunciation Chart lists the pronunciation of each letter of the Russian alphabet according to how it is pronounced in various dialects of the Russian language. The chart also includes brief descriptions of each dialect. In conclusion, the Russian Alphabet is a great tool for learning the basics of the Russian language.

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  4. That’s an English way of pronunciation. To sound Russian, relax your mouth and tongue. Say the consonants without this effort. Here’s an exercise for you. Put your hand in front of your mouth and practice saying the following words: танк ( tank) — “tank”. пончик ( ponchik) — “donut”. куртка ( kurtka ...

  5. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters: 10 vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic script. Some letters of the Russian alphabet look like and sound similar to the letters of the Latin alphabet. But there are also significant ...

    Letter + Handwriting
    Name Of The Letter
    Transcription + Pronunciation
    Pronunciation Samples ( Red = Stressed)
    А а
    [a] (open and clear if stressed) [a] / ...
    к а к [á] = how к а к о й [a] = which, ...
    Б б
    бэ [be]
    [b] (voiced) [b j ] (voiced soft) [p] ...
    б ыть [b] = be б ить [b j ] = beat клу б ...
    В в
    вэ [ve]
    [v] (voiced) [v j ] (voiced soft) [f] ...
    в ы [v] = you ви за [v j ] = visa в се ...
    Г г
    гэ [ge]
    [g] (voiced) [g j ] (voiced soft) [k] ...
    г од [g] = year г имн [g j ] = hymn сло г ...
  6. Oct 15, 2021 · In this video, you'll learn the Russian alphabet, the pronunciation of all letters, and see examples of words with each letter. You'll notice that most lette...

    • Oct 15, 2021
    • 264K
    • Russian Level 1
  7. Dec 17, 2021 · Corrections: 3:45 Wrong translation. "Ёж" means "hedgehog", NOT "to drive".Corrections: 9:06 Wrong translation. "Хлеб" means "bread", NOT "flag".Russian Alph...

    • Dec 17, 2021
    • 753.6K
    • Russian Level 1
  8. Mar 26, 2020 · Here’s the pronunciation of the Russian alphabet in a nutshell: Russian alphabet pronunciation Russian lesson no. 1: rules. Russian is definitely not the hardest language you can study. As you already saw, once you get to know it, the Russian alphabet seems quite friendly.

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