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  1. Mar 5, 2024 · List of ISO 4217 currency codes and symbols by country. p. Bs. B/. S/. Bs. Discover 140+ global currencies with their ISO 4217 codes and symbols, providing references for currency identification and conversion needs.

  2. ISO 4217:2015(E) Introduction There is a need for a universally applicable code for the identification of currencies. This International Standard is the worldwide recognized multi-industry standard on currency codes based on the list of

  3. Currency codes of the International Standard ISO 4217 are important in any information technology application related to trade, commerce and banking, as well as in the public sector. SIX Financial Information AG is the official Maintenance Agency of these currency codes under ISO 4217 and as such the only recognized, authoritative source on ...

  4. ISO 4217标准给出了一种粗略的机制,用于表示某一货币的主辅币关系。. 这种机制被称为辅助单位,是主辅币比率的以10为底的 对数 。. 例如,1 USD( 美元 )等于100美分,因此USD的辅助单位为2。. JPY( 日元 )的辅助单位为0,因为其辅币单位分已经不再使用。. 在 ...

  5. 5.50%. GBP. 5.25%. Xe Currency Encyclopedia offers currency rates, news, and facts for currencies like the US Dollar and Euro. Also get cheap money transfers, currency data, and more.

  6. The file contains the ISO 4217 3-letter currency codes as the property and the parameters as the property values which are further broken down into key/value pair for easy pickup. object property. Description. name. The full name of the currency. demonym. The adjective (demonym) of the curries. majorSingle.

  7. Jan 1, 2018 · Code lists; ISO 4217 Currency codes; ISO 4217 Currency codes. Identifier ISO4217 Agency ISO Version 2018-01-01 Usage / ubl:Invoice / cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode

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