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  1. The ISO 639-3 code tables now include a language name index with multiple names associated many code elements (primarily in English forms or variant anglicized spellings of indigenous names). The reference name from the Ref_Name field of the main table is included as an entry in this table, thus every code element has at least one row ...

  2. ISO 639-1 코드 목록. ISO 639는 언어 분류를 위해 사용되는 표준화된 명명법이다. 각 언어는 2글자 (639-1) 및 3글자 (639-2, 639-3)로 할당된다. 어족. ISO 언어 이름. 네이티브 이름.

  3. 同時に、それらの言語のiso 639-2、iso 639-3、 iso 639-6 (英語版) コードも掲載している。 なお、ISO 639-2はTコードとBコードに分かれている。 多くの言語でこの2つは同じだが、同じでないものについては、Bコードを「 (※) 」の記号を付して表す。

  4. ISO 639-3 is a set of codes that defines three-letter identifiers for all known human languages. At the core of ISO 639-3 are the individual languages already accounted for in ISO 639-2. The large number of living languages in the initial inventory of ISO 639-3 beyond those already included in ISO 639-2 was derived primarily from Ethnologue ...

  5. Note: ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code. Where two codes are provided (21 languages total), the bibliographic code is given first and the terminology code is given second. ISO 639-1 is the alpha-2 code. Multiple codes for the same language are to be considered synonyms.

  6. ISO 639-1 is the first part of the ISO 639 international-standard language-code family. ISO 639-1 provides two-character lowercase alphabetic strings that serve as identifiers of languages. The list contains approximately 180 discrete codes. All ISO 639-1 languages also have ISO 639-2 three-character code representations.

  7. May 1, 2014 · ISO 639-2:1998 provides two sets of three-letter alphabetic codes for the representation of names of languages, one for terminology applications and the other for bibliographic applications. The code sets are the same except for twenty-five languages that have variant language codes because of the criteria used for formulating them.

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