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  1. position of James, the half brother of Jesus. The high spiritual tone of the book fits with the quote of Eusebius that distinguished this James by adding the title, “the Just.”

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  2. Apr 2, 2024 · Brief Summary: The Book of James outlines the faith walk through genuine religion (1:1-27), genuine faith (2:1-3:12) and genuine wisdom (3:13-5:20). This book contains a remarkable parallel to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.

  3. Gain a better understanding of the book of James in the Bible. Explore key themes such as the wisdom of Jesus, how faith relates to action, and perseverance in difficulty through videos, podcasts, and more from BibleProject™.

  4. What changed James from a skeptical younger brother to a committed follower of Jesus and outspoken leader of the church? He saw his brother alive—he saw the risen Christ!

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    • The Epistle Of James
    • I. THE PROMISE (12)
    • Pro 3:13-18;

    This material is from, a web site containing sermon outlines and Bible studies by Mark A. Copeland. Visit the web site to browse or download additional material for church or personal use. The outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to...

    Not everybody who grows old, grows up; there is a vast difference between age Ideally, the older we are, the more mature we should be; but too often the ideal the real! The result is problems -- problems in personal lives, in homes, and in churches... and maturity does not become Problems in these areas are caused by immaturity more than by anythin...

    THE EPISTLE SUGGESTS THAT PEOPLE WERE HAVING PROBLEMS IN THEIR PERSONAL LIVES AND IN THE CHURCH... They were going through difficult trials They were facing temptations to sin They were hearers, but not necessarily doers Some were catering to the rich, others were oppressed by the rich Some were competing for positions in the church Improper use of...

    AN IMMATURE PERSON IS USUALLY VERY SELFISH... For example, newborn babies are very egocentrical Normally, as people grow older, they begin to concern themselves with the needs of others If they do, they are becoming mature If they remain selfish, it is an indication of immaturity A PERSON WHO SERVES OTHERS... Is certainly not selfish, but concerned...

    He will, if we are willing to accept the call to serve Him and His Son Jesus Christ with... Absolute obedience Absolute humility Absolute loyalty And when we are serving God, His Son Jesus Christ, and even each other in this manner, we are making great strides towards spiritual maturity!

    THE MAN WHO ENDURES TEMPTATION WILL BE “BLESSED”... The Greek word for “blessed” is “makarios” Which means “happy, blessed” The nature of the happiness enjoyed is described as the verse continues... FOR AFTER HE HAS BEEN “PROVED” HE WILL RECEIVE “THE CROWN OF LIFE”... The promise is that of “eternal life” The promise is given by Him Who cannot lie ...

    What kind of religion do you have? Is it a practicing religion? Does it go beyond the walls of a building? Does it go beyond the printed pages of the Bible? Does it go beyond a superficial hearing of the Word? Is it a practical religion? Does it consist of more than just “going to church, reading, and praying”? Does it reach out and manifest itself...

    AS MANIFESTED IN JAMES’ DAY... We know from other scriptures that Jewish Christians often showed partiality in regards to the Gentiles But in this epistle, the problem was one of showing partiality between the rich and poor - Ja 2:2-4 TODAY, WE CAN ALSO BE GUILTY OF PARTIALITY... By showing partiality between rich and poor For example, giving prefe...

    It is important that each professing Christian examine his or her own heart and life, and make sure that they possess true saving faith, which is a dynamic faith Satan is the great deceiver; one of his devices is imitation... If he can convince a person that counterfeit faith is true faith... ...then he has that person in his power! Here are some q...

    A. THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BIT AND RUDDER... (3-4) Both illustrations are used to demonstrate that a small member (like the tongue) can control the body A bit controls a horse A rudder controls the ship So our tongue controls the body... If you speak a lie, it won’t be long before you find yourself living a lie If you speak suggestively in an immo...

    [In this lesson, we will take a look at what James describes as two different kinds of wisdom: “Heavenly Wisdom Vs. Earthly Wisdom”. [In discussing these two, James does so by making several contrasts; the first being...]

    Have you ever heard of... “The War of the Whiskers?” “The War of the Oaken Bucket?” “The War of Jenkin’s Ear?” -- These were actual wars between nations, and you can read about them in many history books War is too often a fact of life in spite of treaties, world peace organizations, etc.... Not only wars between nations But there are wars of one k...

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  5. James offered numerous practical examples to illustrate his point: faith endures in the midst of trials, calls on God for wisdom, bridles the tongue, sets aside wickedness, visits orphans and widows, and does not play favorites.

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  7. James is one of the more controversial books in the New Testament due to its Jewish character and to what some feel is a legalistic presentation of the faith. Martin Luther, a noted anti-Semite, called it "An epistle of straw" for both reasons also doubting its canonicity. Later he retracted the remark.

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