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  1. Japanese mythology, body of stories compiled from oral traditions concerning the legends, gods, ceremonies, customs, practices, and historical accounts of the Japanese people. Most of the surviving Japanese myths are recorded in the Kojiki (compiled 712; “Records of Ancient Matters”) and the Nihon.

  2. Japanese folklore encompasses a vast realm of myths, legends, and yokai, which are supernatural beings that inhabit the natural world and affect human life. Yokai play an important role in Japanese folklore as they explain natural phenomena and teach moral lessons.

  3. Dec 12, 2022 · Of the many myths and legends that exist in Japanese mythology, some of the most well-known are: The creation of Japan: According to the Kojiki, the oldest surviving book of Japanese mythology, the islands of Japan were created by the god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami, who descended from the heavens and stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven.

  4. Inari. Japanese mythology is a combination of primarily Shinto and Buddhist traditions. In addition to the most powerful gods and goddesses, there are also millions of kami, or “holy powers,” associated with forces of nature, geographical features, and the spirits of the venerated dead.

  5. Japanese Mythology. Mainstream Japanese myths, as generally recognized today, are based on the Kojiki, Nihonshoki and some complementary books. The Kojiki or "Record of Ancient Things" is the oldest recognized book of myths, legends, and history of Japan.

  6. Feb 14, 2023 · Classical Japanese mythology is known as Shinto and is based on the belief in the existence of numerous k ami or deities, which can take many forms, from nature spirits to deified ancestors and gods associated with abstract concepts such as creation and death.

  7. Contes et légendes japonaises. Japanese folklore largely drew its inspiration from Shinto and Buddhism. Supernatural creatures, gods and spirits (kami, yokai), as well as sacred animals that enliven the stories were often found in the two main...

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