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  1. The messier catalog is an index of the different objects in the night sky that can be observed with a telescope, a pair of binoculars and sometimes with the naked eye. The list was created by the French astronomer Charles Messier, and was first published under the name “Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d’Étoiles.”

  2. Online Transmission Policy. Sponsorship Opportunities. Contact Us. is the official website of the National Hockey League. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks depicted ...

  3. The complete Messier Catalogue, including images, magnitudes and coordinates to find each one in the night sky.

  4. A globular cluster is a spherical group of stars that are bound together by their mutual gravitational attraction. M2 has a diameter of over 150 light-years and is one of the largest clusters of its kind. It was discovered in 1746 by the French astronomer Jean-Dominique Maraldi while he was observing a comet. This Hubble image of M2’s core ...

  5. The globular cluster Messier 5, shown here in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, is one of the oldest belonging... Visible right next to the stinger of the scorpion in the constellation Scorpius, Messier 7 is an easy naked-eye target...

  6. Planetary Nebula. The Crab Nebula is an expanding remnant of a star's supernova explosion. Japanese and Chinese astronomers recorded this violent event nearly 1,000 years ago in 1054 AD, as likely did the Native Americans. The glowing relic has been expanding since the star exploded, and it is now approximately 11 light-years in width.

  7. Jan 31, 2021 · Messier 110 (M110), also known as the Edward Young Star, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. M110 is a satellite of the much larger Andromeda Galaxy (M31). It lies at a distance of 2.69 million light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 8.92. It has the designation NGC 205 in the New General Catalogue.

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