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  1. Login / Join N4G community now! ionstorm Trainee. CRank: 5 Score: 2240

  2. My fellow Sony gamers, this coming February 19 is a date that needs to be commemorated, celebrated, and remembered. That date marks the end of the HD Format War between HD and Blu-Ray, with the Blu-Ray side winning the war. The date also marks the end of N4G’s Great Fanboy War of 2007, and the complete transition from a bleak landscape of Microsoft-propogated ignorance to a high-cultured ...

  3. Sony recently twittered a link to an article on PSX which could be called a fanboy rant, Nick from Lazygamer disagreed with the article and posted a response as follows. "The article titled, "Where Did All The PS3 Hate Go" reeks of fanboyism and is actually just downright immature in this day and age, even when compared to rants in the past. To give you a good example of how ...

  4. Commas What this handout is about This handout offers seven easy steps to becoming a comma superhero. Commas, commas, and more commas Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal

  5. And Sony fanboys crying like little bitches they can’t compete if Microsoft buys Activision/Blizzard to increase their market share. Can’t thump your chest over market share then get in a pissy rage if Xbox looks at significantly increase their market share percentage for better competition.

  6. Look carefully at the next two sentences to see two independent clauses separated by comma + FANBOYS. If you do not have two subjects and two verbs separated by the FANBOYS, you do not need to insert the comma before the FANBOYS. In other words, if the second grouping of words isn’t a complete thought, don’t use a comma.

  7. You’re probably wondering the reasons why I have made separate posts championing each console. The truth is that it was part of an experiment to see how different sections of fanboys respond. So, if you were one of those who fell for our clickbait I thank you. I shall try to explain the mindset of each fanboy in this post by console they support. Some of you may be able to relate, whilst ...

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