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  1. North America, by the name Winland, first appeared in written sources in a work by Adam of Bremen from approximately 1075. [41] The most important works about North America and the early Norse activities there, namely the Sagas of Icelanders, were recorded in the 13th and 14th centuries.

  2. Mustangs in Wyoming. Management of free-roaming feral and semi-feral horses, (colloquially called "wild") on various public or tribal lands in North America is accomplished under the authority of law, either by the government of jurisdiction or efforts of private groups. [1]

  3. The exploration of North America by European sailors and geographers was an effort by major European powers to map and explore the continent with the goal of economic, religious and military expansion. The combative and rapid nature of this exploration is the result of a series of countering actions by neighboring European nations to ensure no ...

  4. The two lobed geometry of the Permian basin separated by a platform was the result of the Hercynian collisional orogeny during the collision of North America and Gondwana Land (South America and Africa). This collision uplifted the Ouachita-Marathon fold belt and deformed the Tobosa Basin.

  5. The North American Cordillera extends up and down the coast of North America and roughly from the Great Plains westward to the Pacific Ocean, narrowing somewhat from north to south. It includes the Cascades , Sierra Nevada , and Basin and Range province ; the Rocky Mountains are sometimes excluded from the cordillera proper, in spite of their ...

  6. Hoffmann, Benjamin, Posthumous America, translated by Alan J. Singerman, Penn State UP, 2018 ISBN 978-0-271-08007-9; Holbrook, Sabra (1976), The French Founders of North America and Their Heritage, New York: Atheneum, ISBN 978-0-689-30490-3; Katz, Ron. French America: French Architecture from Colonialization to the Birth of a Nation.

  7. SSC North America (formerly Shelby SuperCars Inc.) is an American automobile manufacturer founded in 1999 [1] by owner Jerod Shelby. The company is based in Richland , in the Tri-Cities, Washington and specializes in the production of sports cars .

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