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  1. Apr 12, 2024 · Secondary sources are books, periodicals, web sites, etc. that people write using the information from primary sources. They are not written by eyewitnesses to events, for instance, but use eyewitness accounts, photographs, diaries and other primary sources to reconstruct events or to support a writer's thesis about the events and their meaning.

  2. Nov 17, 2023 · Secondary sources provide commentary on or discussion of evidence. Tertiary Sources consist of information which is a distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources. Encyclopedias are typically considered a tertiary source unless, for example, a researcher is studying how encyclopedias from a particular time period.

  3. Oct 11, 2022 · Tertiary sources consist of primary and secondary source information which has been collected and distilled. They present summaries of or an introduction to the current state of research on a topic, summarize or condense information from primary and secondary sources, or provide a list of primary and secondary sources. These include: Encyclopedias

  4. Apr 16, 2024 · Tertiary Sources. Just so you can keep up with all the scholarly jargon about sources, a tertiary source is a source that builds upon secondary sources to provide information. The most common example is an encyclopedia. Consider a particular revolution as an historical event. All the documents from the time become primary sources.

  5. Aug 5, 2022 · Beyond definitions of primary, secondary and tertiary source types, this video provides useful examples of what would be primary, secondary and tertiary sources for research questions in different disciplines. See 1:48.

  6. Feb 29, 2024 · Secondary Sources Defined. Secondary Sources: Offer extensive and in-depth analyses of primary sources. Summarize, evaluate, and analytically interpret primary material, often by offering a personal perspective. Are not evidence, but are useful sources of different experts' views of the primary sources. Are one step removed from the original or ...

  7. Tertiary sources are compilations of information coming from secondary and primary sources; these can be lists or collections, and are generally reference material that can help you find, or direct you to, secondary and primary sources. Examples of tertiary sources include: Encyclopedias, dictionaries. Indexes. Databases, catalogs. Most textbooks.

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