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    Grain, fruit, and vegetables are basic human foods and have been domesticated for millennia. People use plants for many purposes, such as building materials, ornaments, writing materials, and, in great variety, for medicines. The scientific study of plants is known as botany, a branch of biology .

    • Talk

      Plants are the eukaryotes that form the kingdom Plantae;...

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      Manufacturing and engineering. Chemical plant; Physical...

    • Desmid

      Desmidiales, commonly called the desmids (Gr. desmos, bond...

  2. El reino plantas es eucariota, pluricelular, autótrofos y suelen vivir fijas al sustrato y con vasos conductores. En biología, se denomina plantas a los organismos con células vegetales que poseen paredes celulares y se componen principalmente de celulosa. Mayormente son fotosintéticos sin capacidad locomotora o de desplazamiento, aunque ...

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  4. Dentro del reino plantae, se encuentran organismos que tienen como principal característica, la capacidad de realizar fotosíntesis, es decir, de crear materia a partir de la energía del sol y de elementos inorgánicos, como el agua y el dióxido de carbono. Ellas son parte de un importantísimo grupo de seres vivos que son la base de casi ...

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    The classification of living things into animals and plants is an ancient one. Aristotle (384–322 BC) classified animal species in his History of Animals, while his pupil Theophrastus (c.371–c.287 BC) wrote a parallel work, the Historia Plantarum, on plants. Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) laid the foundations for modern biological nomenclature, now regu...

    In 1674, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, often called the "father of microscopy", sent the Royal Societyof London a copy of his first observations of microscopic single-celled organisms. Until then, the existence of such microscopic organisms was entirely unknown. Despite this, Linnaeus did not include any microscopic creatures in his original taxonomy. A...

    The development of microscopy revealed important distinctions between those organisms whose cells do not have a distinct nucleus (prokaryotes) and organisms whose cells do have a distinct nucleus (eukaryotes). In 1937 Édouard Chattonintroduced the terms "prokaryote" and "eukaryote" to differentiate these organisms. In 1938, Herbert F. Copeland prop...

    The differences between fungi and other organisms regarded as plants had long been recognised by some; Haeckel had moved the fungi out of Plantae into Protista after his original classification, but was largely ignored in this separation by scientists of his time. Robert Whittaker recognized an additional kingdom for the Fungi. The resulting five-k...

    In 1977, Carl Woese and colleagues proposed the fundamental subdivision of the prokaryotes into the Eubacteria (later called the Bacteria) and Archaebacteria (later called the Archaea), based on ribosomal RNA structure; this would later lead to the proposal of three "domains" of life, of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. Combined with the five-king...

    Thomas Cavalier-Smith supported the consensus at that time, that the difference between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria was so great (particularly considering the genetic distance of ribosomal genes) that the prokaryotes needed to be separated into two different kingdoms. He then divided Eubacteria into two subkingdoms: Negibacteria (Gram-negative ba...

    Cavalier-Smith and his collaborators revised their classification in 2015. In this scheme they introduced two superkingdoms of Prokaryota and Eukaryota and seven kingdoms. Prokaryota have two kingdoms: Bacteria and Archaea. (This was based on the consensus in the Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea, and the Catalogue of Life). The Eukaryota h...

    The kingdom-level classification of life is still widely employed as a useful way of grouping organisms, notwithstanding some problems with this approach: 1. Kingdoms such as Protozoa represent grades rather than clades, and so are rejected by phylogenetic classificationsystems. 2. The most recent research does not support the classification of the...

  5. Apr 5, 2022 · El reino Plantae, también conocido como reino Vegetal, es uno de los 5 reinos taxonómicos existentes que está formado por organismos multicelulares, eucariotas, que realizan la fotosíntesis. Dichos 5 reinos de la naturaleza son los siguientes: El reino Animalia o Animal. El reino Plantae o Vegetal. El reino Fungi.

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  6. 6 days ago · Plant, any multicellular, eukaryotic, usually photosynthetic life-form in the kingdom Plantae. There are an estimated 390,900 different species of plants known to science. Learn more about the plant kingdom, including the life and evolutionary histories and physical characteristics of the major plant groups.

  7. Reino Plantae: características de las plantas. Reino Plantae: algas, musgos y helechos. Reino Plantae: División Gimnosperma. Reino Plantae: División Angiosperma. Diferencias entre gimnospermas y angiospermas.

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