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  1. Who is St. Nicholas? The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara in Asia Minor. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young.

  2. Dec 22, 2014 · Who Was St. Nicholas? Behind the jolly, red-suited, shopping mall Santa of today lies a real personSt. Nicholas of Myra, a Christian monk who lived in the third century A.D., in what is...

  3. St. Nicholas is celebrated as the patron saint of several classes of people, especially, in the East, of sailors and in the West of children. The first of these patronage is most likely due to the legend that during his lifetime, he appeared to storm tossed mariners who invoked his aid off the coast of Lycia and brought them safely to port.

  4. St. Nicholas Day, feast day (December 6) of St. Nicholas, the 4th-century bishop of Myra. St. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of Russia and Greece , of a number of cities, and of sailors and children, among many other groups, and was noted for his generosity.

  5. That is why three gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the symbols for St. Nicholas. And so St. Nicholas is a gift-giver. One of the oldest stories tells of the townspeople of Myra celebrating the good saint on the eve of St. Nicholas' feast day. A band of Arab pirates from Crete had come into the district. They stole ...

  6. Feb 16, 2010 · Santa Claus—otherwise known as Saint Nicholas or Kris Kringle—has a long history steeped in Christmas traditions.

  7. In Alexandria, Virginia! Crafts. For all ages. Gazetteer. Find St. Nicholas churches all over the world. Events. Visits from St. Nicholaskeeping the tradition alive all over the world. Church Year Resources. Celebrate the whole church year in your family. Everything about St Nicholas: stories, customs, crafts & more.

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