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  1. A semi-presidential republic, or dual executive republic, is a republic in which a president exists alongside a prime minister and a cabinet, with the latter two being responsible to the legislature of the state.

  2. Mar 27, 2019 · This guiding overview presents key literature on these core topics of semi-presidentialism including definitions and classifications, regions and countries, democratization and democratic survival, presidential powers, inter-institutional relations, parties, elections, and presidentialization.

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  4. Under other classification systems, however, these systems may instead be classed as semi-presidential systems as presidents are always attached to a political party and may have broad powers (despite their weak presidency).

  5. Sistem presidensial, sistem kepresidenan, atau disebut juga dengan sistem kongresional, merupakan sistem pemerintahan negara republik di mana kekuasaan eksekutif dipilih melalui pemilu dan terpisah dengan kekuasaan legislatif . Untuk disebut sebagai sistem presidensial, setidaknya bentuk pemerintahan harus memiliki tiga unsur yaitu: [1 ...

  6. The semi-presidential system is a system of government where both the prime minister and the president run the day-to-day affairs of the state, but often the president has more powers than the prime minister. [1]

  7. Summarize the structure of semi-presidential regimes. Explain how semi-presidential regimes differ from presidential and parliamentary regimes. Outline the apparent connection between the various democratic regimes and freedom. A third type of system is semi-presidentialism.

  8. May 10, 2019 · A semi-presidential system of government represents a republic ruled by an elected president, a prime minister, and a cabinet. The president is usually elected and is meant to serve for the fixed term specified by the constitution. Lately, semi-presidential governments have become popular, especially in Western countries.

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