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  1. Dec 4, 2014 · Behind the scenes, Sir Oliver assiduously forged his own path to the top working his way through a series of worthy, but unexciting-sounding posts, such as a sub-accountant at the Colombo Bank, assistant auditor in the government railway service and Colonial Auditor until, finally, he obtained the post of Financial Secretary of Ceylon.

  2. Sep 15, 2021 · When CT was launched in September 2011, Mahinda Rajapaksa was nearly two years into his second term as President. After the end of the war in 2009 and landslide victories in the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2010, there were both possibilities and expectations for the country to be positively led back to pre-war normalities in civilian life, and for finding reasonable solutions ...

  3. Jan 28, 2024 · NPP is the only party that advocates a paradigm shift through social revolution and believes that unless the prevailing corruption ridden and ethno-religiously circumscribed political and economic infrastructure that has kept the nation disunited, sapped the vitality of its economy for decades before bankrupting it finally to leave it at the mercy of IMF and foreign powers is removed there is ...

  4. Aug 17, 2013 · The Government is preparing to relocate 500 Sinhala families to Mannar as part of its agenda to change the ethnic demographic of the predominantly Tamil North, but has recently shelved the plan likely because it had angered the Muslims in the area, the Colombo Telegraph learns.

  5. Apr 9, 2021 · The divide is essentially, a Sinhala- Tamil divide. Religion, class, creed is not in the equation. A singular feature of some of our Heads of State in the past, had tried to prove their Sinhala pure breed, as well. SWRD was a descendant of a south indian Tamil ; NEELAPERUMAL. JRJ is of Colombo Chetty stock.

  6. Feb 2, 2024 · H. L. D. Mahindapala, former editor-in-chief of Sri Lanka’s Sunday Observer and a renowned writer, passed away on January 30 in Colombo. I was introduced to Mahindapala by Noel Nadesan, a literary friend of mine who lives in Melbourne. Nadesan was publishing a bilingual (Tamil-English) newspaper ...

  7. May 21, 2013 · The Racist Sinhala Buddhist are doing the same thing, and using Mahanama Myths. 4. In the meantime the Catholic-Portuguese-Christian Axis fnnded BBS has become their tool to make Lanka Catholic Christian, and expunge all the sins of the people by believing their Myths.

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