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  1. Crossover thrash (often abbreviated to crossover) is a fusion genre of thrash metal and hardcore punk. The genre lies on a continuum between heavy metal and hardcore punk. Other genres on the same continuum, such as metalcore and grindcore, may overlap with crossover thrash.

  2. Crossover thrash (previously: thrash, metalcore) was a genre born in the mid 1980s in the midst of both the hardcore and metal movements of underground music. It’s important to understand the context and timeline of why this movement occurred, who it involved, and why it came into existence.

  3. Thrash = the original name for crossover thrash. DRI, COC, Cryptic Slaughter, dead horse, Fearless Iranians From Hell, MDC. Thrashcore, "crossover Thrash" = attempts to work around the fact that people now often mean speed metal when they say "thrash," and get pissed when they hear punk-style songs. 1. Award.

  4. What Is Crossover Thrash? Crossover thrash, often simply referred to as crossover, is a fusion genre that combines elements of thrash metal and hardcore punk. Its roots trace back to the 1980s, a time when both genres were growing in popularity.

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  5. Jan 13, 2021 · Some thrash bands chose to focus more on the punk side of lyrics and riffs, leading to the birth of crossover thrash. Today we examine the Top 10 albums that had the biggest hand in this hyperactive hybrid.

  6. Crossover thrash is a fusion of thrash metal and hardcore punk which started in the 1980s. Even though thrash metal itself is already influenced by hardcore punk, crossover thrash bands employ elements from hardcore punk much more overtly, especially in the shouted vocals.

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  8. Aug 10, 2021 · Crossover thrash is a powerful hybrid of extreme metal and hardcore punk known for its blast beats and ferocious guitar riffs. Learn about the subgenre’s history and some of its most notable acts.

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