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  1. Nov 13, 2023 · Ok, so you're verifying by logging something at the ingestor endpoint? And so without await you don't get a single log? My suspicion is the server gets torn down before the request has a chance to fire. You can verify that by waiting 10 seconds before returning await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1e4)). –

  2. Feb 17, 2015 · Yes, No, it depends. It is possible that you can get shares of multiple CPUs. I would suggest: try it out, one container is free. But before you dig to deep into getting the last bit out of one container, the Idea of PaaS is horizontal scaling. If you need more power just add a couple of container.

  3. Mar 3, 2021 · var stringJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempObject); var kustoUri = "https://{cluster}.{region}"; var ingestUri = "https://ingest-{cluster}.{region}"; string database = "abcd"; var kustoConnectionStringBuilder =. new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri) {.

    Usage example

    add database Test admins ('') 'User Name('
  4. Jul 24, 2019 · Here are instructions for how to ingest data from Event Hub into Azure Data Explorer: When the Event Hub and Azure Data Explorer cluster are on different subscriptions, you need to make sure both subscriptions are registered for the Microsoft.Kusto resource provider for ...

  5. in "event driven" runtimes, when a request comes in, the event is dispatched and handler will pick it up. When? In Node.js, there is an "event loop" which basically loops over all the pieces of code that need to be executed and executes them one by one. So the handler will handle the event once event loop invokes it.

  6. Feb 3, 2023 · I got a node app hosted on a render server, and as it's under the free tier, it sleeps after 15m of inactivity, and I wrote a cron job using the node-cron package. if the app is asleep, the node-cron functions won't be active. is there any way to keep my render app awake? I've used Heroku and Kaffeine (for keeping heroku apps awake)

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