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  1. Dictionary
    Eu·ro·pe·an Un·ion
    /ˌyo͝orəˌpēən ˈyo͞onyən/
    • 1. an economic and political association of European countries as a unit with internal free trade and common external tariffs.

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  2. The European Union is a group of 27 countries in Europe. These countries came together. to make things better, easier and safer for people. They agreed to work together and help each other. How the European Union started. The idea to make the European Union came. after two big wars happened in Europe. Countries in Europe saw that.

  3. European Union (EU), Organization of European countries, formed in 1993 to oversee their economic and political integration. It was created by the Maastricht Treaty and ratified by all members of the European Community (EC), out of which the EU developed.

  4. Discover how the EU functions, its principles, priorities; find out about its history and member countries; learn about its legal basis and your EU rights.

  5. The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political union between 27 European countries. They work together to improve the lives of people in Europe, and even further afield. The EU has worked for the peace, prosperity and well-being of its citizens for over 60 years.

  6. Home. Principles, countries, history. Principles and values. The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability. Key facts and figures. Statistics on EU countries and populations, economy and employment, transport and energy and the EU institutions.

  7. The European Union is a unique partnership between 27 European countries, known as Member States, or EU countries. Together they cover much of the European continent. The EU is home to around 447 million people, which is around 6 % of the world’s population. Citizens of the EU countries are also EU citizens. EXERCISE 1 WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE EU?

  8. How the European Union works | Fact Sheets on the European Union | European Parliament. Contents of factsheets. The European Union has its own legislature and executive, as well as an independent judiciary and a central bank.

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