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  1. Jun 2, 2015 · to conceive of the field of ethnomusicology as “the study of people making music,”. and to define “making” in tw o w ays: (1) making the sounds that peoples call music, and. (2) making or ...

  2. Nov 17, 2020 · Ethnomusicology is an area of study that encompasses distinct theoretical and methodical approaches to the study of music that emphasizes the cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, and other dimensions or contexts of musical behavior instead of or in addition to its isolated sound component. The term ethnomusicology, said to have ...

  3. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like "Ethnomusicology" can best be described as a. the study of music theory b. any kind of musical study c. the study of music in cultural context d. the study of non-western musics, Every society in the world has sounds that we might label as music. a. False b. True, The insider's perspective is also referred to by what term? a. the ...

  4. Ethnomusicology. Interdisciplinary work, field study, and explorations of music and culture have been hallmarks of the UW Ethnomusicology program since its beginnings in 1963. Ethnomusicology encompasses studies of music and culture and integrates aspects of musicology and anthropology as well as music performance, history, and theory.

  5. Ethnomusicology involves the study of all kinds of music from all over the world, using a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The Department of Ethnomusicology, the largest and first of its kind in a U.S. university, offers courses that cover the music of virtually every region of the world and of many ethnic groups in the U.S., as well as courses on popular music and film music. Most ...

  6. Dec 19, 2013 · Abstract. Ethnomusicology: A Very Short Introduction describes this growing discipline, showing how modern researchers go about studying music from around the world, looking for insights into both music and humanity. Ethnomusicologists believe that all humans, not just those we call musicians, are musical, and that musicality is one of the ...

  7. Abstract. Ethnomusicology is at a new point in history, marked by the growing role of media- tion, advocacy, and ethnomusicologists ' experiences in familiar home environments. In studying a musical system/tradition that is in some sense the ethnomusicologist s. own culture, ethnomusicologists have increasingly focused on the "applied work".

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