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  1. May 30, 2024 · Bartholomew Dupuy was the Protestant ancestor of a Huguenot emigrant to Manakintowne, Va.. Bartholomew Dupuy descended from Alleman DuPuy, the oldest son of the Crusader, Hugo Dupuy. He was probably born in Provence or Languedoc, in the south of France. LePuy en Velay is a city in Languedoc.

    • Male
    • May 17, 1743
  2. Jan 23, 2008 · The next section of the book is a review of the historic Bartholomew Dupuy in France, and it gives a dozen generation or more pedigree for him going back to a Crusader named DuPuy who was the military governor of Jerusalem.

  3. Contributor: Chater, Kathy. Date: 2012. Introduction, p. 1-85, gives a brief account of the rise and progress of the Huguenots in France to the time of Bartholomew Dupuy in history. The pedigree of Bartholomew Dupuy was compiled specially for this work by Henry Dudley Teetor.

  4. Introduction, p. 1-85, gives a brief account of the rise and progress of the Huguenots in France to the time of Bartholomew Dupuy in history. The pedigree of Bartholomew Dupuy was compiled specially for this work by Henry Dudley Teetor.

  5. Feb 8, 2024 · Bartholomew Dupuy was the first of this family to come to America after 1685, when King Louis XIV ordered that only Catholics could live in France. He left France because he was a Protestant. King Louis, being his friend, wrote a letter of amnesty for Bartholomew and his young bride Susanne Levillain (Comtess Susanne LeVillion).

    • Languedoc-Roussillon
    • May 17, 1743
    • 1652
  6. Apr 30, 2024 · My 8x great grandparents Bartholomew & Susanna (Lavillion) Dupuy arrived in Virginia in March 1701 aboard the ship Nassau. He appears on extant tithable lists for King William Parish from 1710-1738. Bartholomew Dupuy served on the parish vestry from 1723-25 and then was elected a church warden.

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  8. Discover life events, stories and photos about Bartholomew DuPuy (1652–1743) of Saint-Jean-de-Maruéjols-et-Avéjan, Gard, France.

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