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  1. There are two main types of Chinese dictionaries: zidian ("character dictionaries"), which list individual Chinese characters and their definitions, and cidian ("word/phrase dictionaries"), which list words (many of which use multiple characters) and short phrases along with their meanings.

  2. Wikipedia®和维基百科标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基™是维基媒体基金会的商标。 维基媒体基金会是按美国国內稅收法501(c)(3)登记的非营利慈善机构。 隐私政策; 关于维基百科; 免责声明; 行为准则; 开发者; 统计; Cookie声明; 手机版视图

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  4. Zhonghua Zihai (simplified Chinese: 中 华 字 海; traditional Chinese: 中 華 字 海; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Zìhǎi) is the largest Chinese character dictionary available for print, compiled in 1994 and consisting of 85,568 different characters.

  5. 欢迎 来到 维基词典 。. 这是一个由志愿者编纂的多语言词典计划,它旨在囊括各种语言词汇的语源、读音和解释。. 任何人甚至无须登录就可以编辑任何字词。. 维基词典中文版始于2004年5月,现在已经有 1,650,409 个 词条 。. 请参见 常见问题 和 帮助 来获得有关 ...

  6. The 2009 version of the Webster's Digital Chinese Dictionary (WDCD), based on CC-CEDICT, contains over 84,000 entries. The most comprehensive pure linguistic Chinese-language dictionary, the 12-volume Hanyu Da Cidian , records more than 23,000 head Chinese characters and gives over 370,000 definitions.

  7. The Chinese Wikipedia (traditional Chinese: 中 文 維 基 百 科; simplified Chinese: 中 文 维 基 百 科; pinyin: Zhōngwén Wéijī Bǎikē) is the written vernacular Chinese (a form of Mandarin Chinese) edition of Wikipedia. It is run by the Wikimedia Foundation.

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