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  1. THE THEOLOGY OF THE ATONEMENT I. Howard Marshall ‘A biblical understanding of atonement is concerned above all with the restoration of mutual, undistorted, unpolluted divine/human relationship, not with the appeasing of a God angered by the misdeeds of his

  2. making possible our salvation — is called ‘the Atonement.’ The Atonement raises a number of different interrelated philosophical questions: 1) Why did Christ die on the cross? 2) How does Christ dying make it possible for our sins to be forgiven? 3) If God is omnipotent, why couldn’t God forgive our sins without Christ dying?

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  3. › publication › form-signupBiblical Meaning Of Atonement

    the biblical teaching on atonement at the lexical, ritual, narrative, and worldview levels. Each of these points of divergence presents a barrier to communication.

  4. univocal in its meaning. This fact, known to biblical theologians but not, generally, to Christian philosophers, subverts many phi-losophers’ work on the atonement. For their theories are typically about atonement in the broad sense of reconciliation, whereas the biblical meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words translated by

  5. Abstract: The Atonement offers in a concise compass an inter-disci-plinary approach to the complex doctrine of the atonement, drawing upon biblical studies, church history, and analytic philosophy.

  6. Oct 19, 2021 · According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, atonement is, “the process by which a person removes obstacles to his reconciliation with God.” Finally, puts it this way concerning atonement: “it is the satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury.”

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  8. The principle of atonement is enunciated in Leviticus 17:11 – ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the life’. Each word in this verse is significant.

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