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  1. Atonement. s. abbath. a. fternoon. Read for This Week’s Study: Leviticus 16, Lev. 23:27–32, Deut. 19:16–21, Matt. 18:23–35, Isa. 6:1–6. Memory Text: “Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity . and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His posses-sion? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in ...

  2. Atonement - In theology, atonement is a doctrine that describes how human beings can be reconciled to God. In Christian theology the atonement refers to the forgiving or pardoning of sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which made possible the reconciliation between God and creation.

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  3. The Bible explicitly states that God created and sustains everything through the power of His Son (John 1:1–3; Heb. 1:2, 3).The atone-ment is God’s solution to the problem of sin within this creation. Instead of leaving us to reap the ultimate rewards of sin and rebellion, which would be eternal ruin, He instituted the plan of salvation.

  4. › Sunday-School-Lesson-20160221Day of Atonement

    Feb 21, 2016 · By the end of the lesson, we will: EXPLORE the Day of Atonement rituals found in Leviticus; REFLECT on the meaning of atonement for our sins and its relevance today; and IDENTIFY those things in our lives needing repentance and seek atonement.

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  5. Oct 19, 2021 · Atonement addresses and answers the ultimate and universal problem of man, which is sin. Man’s sin resulted in the need for a Savior. From the book of Genesis, we read “the first gospel” – a promise looking forward to the One who would come to atone:

    • Michael Jakes
  6. Apr 25, 2024 · The word atonement is used over 100 times in the Old Testament, primarily in the Pentateuch, and it is usually in the context of a sacrifice, either a blood sacrifice or the payment of a certain amount of money. The idea is that a person or thing is unclean due to sin or some other defilement.

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  8. THE THEOLOGY OF THE ATONEMENT I. Howard Marshall ‘A biblical understanding of atonement is concerned above all with the restoration of mutual, undistorted, unpolluted divine/human relationship, not with the appeasing of a God angered by the misdeeds of his