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  1. The Bleat, the Bark, Bellow & Roar Are Waves that Beat on Heaven's Shore. The Babe that weeps the Rod beneath Writes Revenge in realms of death. The Beggar's Rags, fluttering in Air, Does to Rags the Heavens tear. The Soldier arm'd with Sword & Gun, Palsied strikes the Summer's Sun.

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  2. Nov 14, 2019 · 100 essential American poems. This compilation of great American poetry contains some of the most fondly remembered works of all time. Representing the earliest days of the Nation through the golden age of the 19th century and up to the present day, this classic collection also includes the lyrics of canonical songs, from "The Star-Spangled ...

  3. Oct 18, 2020 · Collects one hundred poems from the past century that reflect modern culture, including works by William Butler Yeats, Langston Hughes, Dorothy Parker, Wallace Stevens, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. Includes indexes.

  4. Search our extensive curated collection of more than ten thousand poems by occasion (Autumn to Easter, Veterans Day to Valentine’s Day, etc.), theme (love, nature, sports, etc.), and form (sonnets, haiku, etc.), or search by keyword or poets name in the field below.

    • The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs:
    • XII
    • XIII
    • portico,
    • And echoes, trains away, Sneer — “ Where?”
    • XVIII
    • XX I TASTE a liquor never brewed,
    • XXI HE ate and drank the precious words,
    • XXIII
    • XXIV
    • [I5l
    • Belshazzar had a letter,—
    • THE brain within its groove
    • XXVII
    • XXVIII
    • XXIX
    • XXXI
    • XXXIV
    • How many legions overcome? The emperor will say. How many colors taken On Revolution Day?
    • SURGEONS must be very careful
    • XLVI
    • XLVIII
    • XLIX
    • LIII
    • Experiment to me
    • LVII
    • LVIII
    • LIX
    • LXII
    • TALK with prudence to a beggar
    • LXV GOOD night! which put the candle out ?
    • LXVI
    • LXVIII
    • LXIX
    • LXXII
    • LXXIV
    • LXXVI
    • LXXVII
    • These are the patient laureates Whose voices, trained below,
    • LXXIX
    • LXXX
    • LXXXII
    • LXXXIV
    • SUPERIORITY to fate
    • FORBIDDEN fruit a flavor has
    • TO venerate the simple days
    • XCI IT’S such a little thing to weep,
    • XCII
    • XCIII
    • Need the wiser tell?
    • XCVII
    • XCVIII
    • Cl
    • CII
    • CVI
    • CVIII
    • - CXII
    • CXIII
    • CXVI
    • CXXII
    • CXXIV
    • CXXVI
    • CXXVII
    • CXXIX
    • CXXX
    • CXXXI
    • CXXXII
    • MODEST lot, a fame petite,
    • sailor’s business is the shore,
    • CXXXVI
    • NATURE
    • Is it brought from famous countries Of which I have never heard ?
    • A raised, ethereal thing ; Henceforth for her what holiday! Meanwhile, her wheeling king
    • VI
    • VIII
    • IX
    • spider at his trade again;
    • “ \^/HOSE VV are the little beds ” 1 asked’
    • So whether it be rune, Or whether it be none, Is of within;
    • XIV
    • XV
    • XVII
    • XVIII
    • XXII
    • XXIII
    • XXIV
    • XXVI
    • XXVII
    • XXIX
    • XXXI
    • XXXIII
    • XXXV
    • XXXVII
    • BRING me the sunset in a cup,
    • XL SHE sweeps with many-colored brooms,
    • XLIII
    • XLVI
    • XLVIII
    • XLIX
    • LVII
    • LVIII
    • COME rainbow coming from the fair! ^ Some vision of the World Cashmere
    • LXII
    • LXIII
    • A something so transporting bright, I clap my hands to see;
    • THIS is the land the sunset washes,
    • LXVIII
    • LXIX
    • So pretty, so ashamed! So hidden in her leaflets, Lest anybody find;
    • LXXI
    • LXXII
    • LXXIII
    • LXXV
    • LXXVI
    • LXXVII
    • LXXIX
    • LXXXI
    • SHE slept beneath a tree
    • Her annual secret keeps;
    • LXXXIX
    • XC
    • XCI
    • XCII
    • XCIII
    • XCIV
    • XCVI
    • XCVII
    • XCVIII
    • A DEW sufficed itself
    • Cl
    • CII
    • Tabernacle or tomb, Or dome of worm, Or porch of gnome, Or some elf’s catacomb?
    • CVIII
    • HOW the old mountains drip with sunset,
    • MINE by the right of the white election
    • IV
    • V DOUBT me, my dim companion
    • VII
    • VIII
    • XII
    • The sexton keeps the key to, Putting up Our life, his porcelain, Like a cup
    • XIII
    • The name they dropped upon my face With water, in the country church, Is finished using now, [i53]
    • XV
    • XVI
    • XVII
    • XVIII
    • XXII
    • XXIII
    • XXVII
    • XXVIII
    • XXIX
    • XXX
    • XXXII
    • XXXIII
    • XXXIV
    • XXXV
    • XXXVII
    • And violets are done, When bumble-bees in solemn flight Have passed beyond the sun,
    • XLIII
    • I would not break thee: Could’st credit me? Could’st credit me?
    • XLV
    • XLVII
    • XLIX
    • LI MY friend must be a bird,
    • I go no more away For visitor, or sundown; Death’s single privacy,
    • LV
    • LVI
    • II
    • LOOK back on time with kindly eyes,
    • IX
    • XIII
    • Is the eclat of death.
    • XVI THE clouds their backs together laid,
    • XVII
    • XVIII
    • God calls home the angels promptly At the setting sun;
    • XIX
    • XXI
    • XXII
    • XXIII
    • XXIV
    • TWO swimmers wrestled on the spar
    • XXVII
    • SHE went as quiet as the dew
    • XXIX
    • XXXII
    • To-day her only boy Went up from the Potomac, His face all victory,
    • XXXIV
    • XXXVI
    • XXXVII
    • A memorial crumb.
    • XL
    • XLII
    • Perhaps you ’re going too! Who knows?
    • XLIII
    • XLVI
    • XLIX
    • LIII
    • LVI I
    • LVIII
    • LX
    • LXIII
    • LXVI
    • LXVII
    • LXIX
    • WAIT till the majesty of Death
    • LXXIII
    • LXXIV
    • LXXVII
    • LXXIX
    • LXXXI
    • How vast an one Was recently among us. A perished sun
    • LXXXVI
    • XCII
    • XCIII
    • HOW dare the robins sing,
    • XCVI
    • XCVIII
    • CII
    • ME! Come! My dazzled face
    • CXII
    • CXIV
    • Superfluous were the sun
    • TIE the strings to my life, my Lord,
    • THERE’S something quieter than sleep
    • CXXII
    • CXXIII
    • I WONDER if the sepulchre
    • CXXV
    • CXXVII
    • CXXIX
    • CXXXI
    • CXXXII
    • CXXXVI
    • CXXXIX
    • ON this wondrous sea,
    • spilt the dew but took the morn,
    • II THE Soul that has a Guest,
    • VIII
    • Exhilaration is the Breeze
    • XII NO romance sold unto,
    • PERCEPTION of an
    • XV
    • XVII
    • XXII
    • XXIII
    • XXVI
    • XXVIII
    • XXIX
    • XXXI
    • XXXIII
    • XXXV
    • XXXVII
    • XLII
    • XLIII
    • XLIV
    • Whether to keep the secret — Whether to reveal — Whether, while I ponder Kidd may sudden sail —
    • XLVI
    • XLVII
    • XLVIII
    • XLIX
    • L THE Winds drew off
    • LI
    • LIII
    • LV
    • LVIII
    • LXI GLOWING is her Bonnet,
    • LXII
    • LXIII
    • LXVIII
    • LXX
    • LXXI
    • Dropped into the
    • WAS comfort in her dying room JL To hear the living clock,
    • LXXVII
    • LXXVII I
    • IF pain for peace prepares,
    • If night stands first, then noon, To gird us for the sun, What gaze —
    • LXXXII
    • THE feet of people walking home
    • TO the staunch Dust we safe commit thee;
    • XCIII
    • XCVI
    • XCVII
    • XCIX
    • Cl
    • CV
    • CVII
    • CVIII
    • CXII
    • THE Sea said “ Come ” to the Brook,
    • CXVI
    • CXVII
    • CXVIII
    • DISTANCE is not the realm of Fox,
    • CXXI
    • CXXIII
    • CXXIV
    • “ Wouldst climb ? ” I said, She said “ Not so ” — “With me?” I said, “With me?”
    • CXXIX
    • NO matter where the Saints abide,
    • CXXXII
    • CXXXIV
    • CXXXV
    • CXXXVI
    • JUST so, Jesus raps — He does not weary —
    • CXLI
    • CXLII
    • CXLIII
    • CXLIV
    • CXLVI
    • 3 HE? 0DD1D72S 4


    A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic stings! Mirth is the mail of anguish, In which it caution arm, Lest anybody spy the blood And “ You ’re hurt ” exclaim! IX THE heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering; And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of it...

    ASKED no other thing, No other was denied. offered Being for it; The mighty merchant smiled. Brazil? He twirled a button, Without a glance my way: “ But, madam, is there nothing else That we can show to-day ? ”

    THE soul selects her own society. Then shuts the door; On her divine majority Obtrude no more. [9] POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON Unmoved, she notes the chariot’s pausing At her low gate; Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling Upon her mat. I’ve known her from an ample nation Choose one; Then close the valves of her attention Like stone. XIV SOME things that fl...

    LIFE Where two could creep: One hand the tools, The other peep To make sure all’s asleep. Old-fashioned eyes, Not easy to surprise! How orderly the kitchen’d look by night, With just a clock,— But they could gag the tick, And mice won’t bark; And so the walls don’t tell, None will. A pair of spectacles ajar just stir — An almanac’s aware. Was it th...

    While the old couple, just astir, Think that the sunrise left the door ajar! XVI TO fight aloud is very brave, But gallanter, I know, Who charge within the bosom, The cavalry of woe. Who win, and nations do not see, Who fall, and none observe, Whose dying eyes no country Regards with patriot love. We trust, in plumed procession, For such the angels...

    READ, sweet, how others strove. Till we are stouter; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid; How many times they bore The faithful witness, Till we are helped, As if a kingdom cared! Read then of faith That shone above the fagot; Clear strains of hymn The river could not drown; Brave names of men And celestial women, Passed out of record Into...

    From tankards scooped in pearl; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol! Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue. When landlords turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove’s door, When butterflies renounce their drams, I shall but drink the more! Till seraphs swing thei...

    His spirit grew robust; He knew no more that he was poor, . Nor that his frame was dust. He danced along the dingy days, And this bequest of wings Was but a book. What liberty A loosened spirit brings! LIFE

    WAS such a little, little boat A That toddled down the bay! ’T was such a gallant, gallant sea That beckoned it away! ’T was such a greedy, greedy wave That licked it from the coast; Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost!

    WHETHER my bark went down at sea, Whether she met with gales, Whether to isles enchanted She bent her docile sails;

    POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON By what mystic mooring She is held to-day, — This is the errand of the eye Out upon the bay. XXV

    He never had but one; Belshazzar’s correspondent Concluded and begun In that immortal copy The conscience of us all Can read without its glasses On revelation’s wall.

    Runs evenly and true; But let a splinter swerve, ’T were easier for you To put the water back When floods have slit the hills, And scooped a turnpike for themselves, And blotted out the mills! LIFE

    I’M nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too ? Then there’s a pair of us — don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know. How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

    I BRING an unaccustomed wine To lips long parching, next to mine, And summon them to drink. Crackling with fever, they essay; I turn my brimming eyes away, And come next hour to look. The hands still hug the tardy glass; The lips I would have cooled, alas! Are so superfluous cold, I would as soon attempt to warm The bosoms where the frost has lain ...

    THE nearest dream recedes, unrealized. The heaven we chase Like the June bee Before the school-boy Invites the race; Stoops to an easy clover — Dips — evades — teases — deploys; Then to the royal clouds Lifts his light pinnace Heedless of the boy Staring, bewildered, at the mocking sky. Homesick for steadfast honey, Ah ! the bee flies not That brew...

    T FOUND the phrase to every thought I ever had, but one ; And that defies me, — as a hand Did try to chalk the sun To races nurtured in the dark; — How would your own begin ? Can blaze be done in cochineal. Or noon in mazarin?

    WHO never lost, are unprepared A coronet to find; Who never thirsted, flagons And cooling tamarind. Who never climbed the weary league — Can such a foot explore The purple territories On Pizarro’s shore?

    How many bullets bearest ? The royal scar hast thou? Angels, write “ Promoted ” On this soldier’s brow!

    THROUGH the straight pass of suffering The martyrs even trod, Their feet upon temptation, Their faces upon God. A stately, shriven company; Convulsion playing round, Harmless as streaks of meteor Upon a planet’s bound. Their faith the everlasting troth ; Their expectation fair; The needle to the north degree Wades so, through polar air.

    When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the culprit, — Life!

    A THOUGHT went up my mind to-day That I have had before, But did not finish, — some way back, I could not fix the year, Nor where it went, nor why it came The second time to me, Nor definitely what it was, Have I the art to say. But somewhere in my soul, I know I’ve met the thing before; It just reminded me — ’t was all — And came my way no more.

    THOUGH I get home how late, how late! So I get home, ’t will compensate. Better will be the ecstasy That they have done expecting me, When, night descending, dumb and dark, They hear my unexpected knock. Transporting must the moment be, Brewed from decades of agony! To think just how the fire will burn, Just how long-cheated eyes will turn To wonde...

    A POOR torn heart, a tattered heart, That sat it down to rest, Nor noticed that the ebbing day Flowed silver to the west, Nor noticed night did soft descend Nor constellation burn, Intent upon the vision Of latitudes unknown.

    GOD gave a loaf to every bird, But just a crumb to me; I dare not eat it, though I starve,— My poignant luxury To own it, touch it, prove the feat That made the pellet mine, — Too happy in my sparrow chance For ampler coveting. It might be famine all around, I could not miss an ear. Such plenty smiles upon my board, My garner shows so fair. wonder ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

    I INDEX OF FIRST LINES A A bird came down the walk: . . . A cap of lead across the sky .... A charm invests a face. A clock stopped — not the mantel's; A death-blow is a life-blow to some A deed knocks first at thought, . . . A dew sufficed itself . Adrift! a little boat adrift! .... A drop fell on the apple tree, . . . Adventure most unto itself. ...

  5. Unraveling the intertwined histories of the long and the short poem, we will survey many of the chief topics in twentieth- and twenty-first-century American poetry. Certain topics will seem exclusively modern: ecopoetics, poetry and social media, writing in the age of American empire and #BlackLivesMatter.

  6. To aid direct searches for poems, all of the currently available poems are listed below with the associated poet, poetic form, and initial publication year. Poems can also be filtered by these criteria using the sidebar on the right.

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