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  1. Discover the meaning of Day in the Bible. Study the definition of Day with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · The phrase “day of the Lord” usually identifies events that take place at the end of history (Isaiah 7:18-25) and is often closely associated with the phrase “that day.” One key to understanding these phrases is to note that they always identify a span of time during which God personally intervenes in history, directly or indirectly, to ...

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · It can refer to the period of daylight between dawn and dusk (e.g., “it gets pretty hot during the day but it cools down a bit at night”). And it can refer to an unspecified period of time (e.g., “back in my grandfather’s day . . .”). It is used to refer to a 24-hour period in Genesis 7:11.

  4. The Hebrew word that is translated "day" in Genesis 1-2 is YomYom appears about two thousand times in the Hebrew Bible. It is used to denote: day, i.e., the period of light, as opposed to night; a twenty-four-hour day as a standard division of time; or day, in the general sense of time.

    • What Does This Verse Mean?
    • What Is The Context of 2 Peter 3:10?
    • What Is The “Day of The Lord”?
    • Do We See Mention of The Day of The Lord Anywhere Else in Scripture?
    • How Can We Prepare For The Day of The Lord?

    In this verse, Peter is referring to a period of great trial and tribulation. Throughout Scripture, both in the prophets and in the New Testament, references abound to this Day of the Lord. While we know God flooded the earth in the time of Noah (Genesis 6-8), God’s prophets refer to another destruction coming one day. For example, Isaiah writes, “...

    This book was the second letter written by the apostle Peter, also known as Cephas, or “the rock,” and one of those in Jesus’s innermost circle. It is thought to have been written not long before his execution, and the intended audience was believers scattered throughout Asia Minor. Like his first letter, Peter’s second letter warned these early Ch...

    The Day of the Lord is usually thought of as the end of the world. Some scholars interpret this in an apocalyptic manner, as meaning the day the Lord plans to destroy the earth and establish his new kingdom. For example, the book of Revelation, a vision given to the apostle John, describes the time of God’s wrath upon those determined to be wicked....

    The Day of the Lord is also referred to as simply “the day.” It is mentioned or alluded to hundreds of times throughout Scripture, appearing everywhere from the psalmsand Lamentations to the prophets, the epistles, and Jesus himself.

    Jesus said he would return one day. But, he said, “About that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mathew 24:36). Like the flood with Noah, it will seem to come out of nowhere. “That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man,” Jesus said. “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken...

  5. What does Mark 7:22 mean? With the exile in Babylon, the Israelites turned away from idolatry and toward the Law; there's no mention of Baal worship in the New Testament. The scribes and Pharisees develop ceremonies to ensure the people maintain the purity appropriate for God's chosen people.

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  7. Jan 6, 2023 · God is referred to as the Ancient of Days three times in Daniel 7, and the name is never used again in Scripture. The consensus is that this name for God is used to emphasize God’s eternality.

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