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  1. Narrative (NAIR-uh-tihv) is a spoken or written account of related events conveyed using certain literary techniques and devices. Narratives are seen throughout written works and other media, including prose, verse, movies and television shows, theater, music, video games, and podcasts.

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    • What Is Narrative?
    • History of Narration Or Storytelling
    • Narrative Examples in Everyday Life
    • Examples of Narrative in Literature
    • Function of Narrative

    Narrative Definition

    Narrative is the basis of storytelling. Narratives are oral or written accounts that connect related events or incidents for the purpose of entertaining, educating, communicating, sharing, and/or creating meaning for readers or listeners. Narratives can be found in novels, movies, plays, music, and even video games, and they are often referred to as storylines.

    Use of Narrative in Literature

    Writers use narrative in literature to present their stories. Narrative can be linear in which events are portrayed in a logical, often chronological, manner for relatively straightforward understanding on the part of readers. Narrative can also be nonlinear in which the reader must piece together the connections between events, characters, or action in the story. The literary devicesand approaches that writers utilize to form their narrative styles combine to create varied, meaningful, innov...

    Storytelling is an essential part of human nature. Man is the only creature that tells stories, and we have been telling stories and listening to them since the time we learned to speak. Storytelling began with oral traditions, and in such forms as myths, legends, fables, anecdotes, and ballads. These were told and retold, passed down from generati...

    Modern narratives have a broader function. After a close study of famous examples of modern narrative, we see that such narratives do not merely entertain, but serve as ways to communicate writers’ moral, cultural, and political perspectives. Moreover, narratives have contributed to achieving educational objectives in our everyday life. Different f...

    Example #1: Animal Farm

    Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is a modern narrative example known as a “political satire,” which aims at expressing a writer’s political views. It uses animals on a farm to describe the overthrow of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Communist Revolution of Russia before WWII. The actions of the animals on the farm are used to expose the greed and corruption of the Revolution. It also describes how powerful people can change the ideology of a society.

    Example #2: Faerie Queen

    Poetry written in the style of a narrative is known as “narrative verse.” Faerie Queen, by Edmund Spenser, is an example of such poetry. It narrates the adventures of the Red-CrossKnight in helping Lady Una rescue her parents from the evil Dagon. On a symbolic level it describes the mission of the Holiness as helping the Truth, fight Evil, and thus regain its rightful place in human hearts.

    Example #3: The Withdrawing Room

    Charlotte Macleod’s The Withdrawing Room is an example of a thriller or suspensenarrative. Augustus Quiffen, a lodger at Sarah’s Brownstone home, is killed by falling under the train. It seems to be an accident until Mary Smith tells Sarah that it is a murder, but she is not sure of the identity of the murderer. Sarah and Max Bittersohn investigate the matter, and find that the killer has planned the death beforehand.

    Storytelling and listening to stories are part of human instinct. Therefore, writers employ narrative techniques in their works to attract readership. The readers are not only entertained, but also learn some underlying message from the narratives. Moreover, a narrative is set in specific cultural contexts. Readers can get a deep insight of that cu...

  3. A concise definition of Narrative along with usage tips, an expanded explanation, and lots of examples.

  4. As a noun, narrative refers to the story being told. It is the account of events, experiences, and details. It also refers to the story-telling process. As an adjective, it describes the form or style of the story being told.

  5. Jul 18, 2021 · A narrative is a story, an account of a string of events occurring in space and time. They do not unfold randomly, but rather as an ordered series of events connected by the logic of cause and effect. Narratives are as old as human civilization, and probably older.

  6. A narrative is a sequence of connected events, whether real or fictional. The definition of narrative is the same as that of a story. There are many types of narratives, such as non-fiction (journalism, memoir, biography, etc.), prose, drama, and some forms of poetry, songs, and video games. Examples of narrative can be found everywhere in ...

  7. Examples of Narratives in Literature. Narratives are used in various types of literature to tell a story. These can be found in plays, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Here are some examples of various types of narratives: Epic poetry follows the narrative format and is often described as being a long narrative poem.

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