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  1. Feb 16, 2023 · Perversion involves twisting or turning something toward a wrong or deceptive use. “A perverse mouth” is alternatively rendered as “crooked speech” (ESV), “a corrupt mouth” (NIV), and “speaking dishonestly” (CSB). “What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars ,” reads Proverbs 6:12 in the New Living Translation.

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  3. Cause the perverse mouth to pass from you, and put far from your lips the thought of depravity. Remove from thee a froward mouth, and put far away from thee unjust lips. Never tell lies or be deceitful in what you say. Remove from thee a froward mouth, and let detracting lips be far from thee.

  4. In Proverbs 4:24, we read about putting away a froward mouth, and perverse lips. What is a froward mouth in the Bible? How do you put it away

  5. A froward mouth, and perverse lips; literally, perverseness of mouth and waywardness of lips ( ikk'shuth peh vulzuth s'phathayim ). "Perversity of mouth" is fraudulent, deceitful speech; that which twists, distorts, perverts, or misrepresents what is true, and hence falsehood (; ; ).

  6. Proverbs 4:24. ESV Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you. NIV Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. NASB Rid yourself of a deceitful mouth And keep devious speech far from you.

  7. Nov 9, 2023 · Proverbs 4:24 cautions us to keep devious speech far from our lips, signaling a commitment to moral integrity. This proverb encourages us to shun and avoid the talk of froward persons, whose distorting words can betray a corrupt heart.

  8. Feb 18, 2024 · In the Bible, perverse lips refer to speech that is deceitful, dishonest, or corrupt. Proverbs 4:24 says, “ Put away from you a deceitful mouth, And put devious lips far from you.”. This verse warns against speaking with perverse lips and encourages honesty and integrity in communication.

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