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  1. Perseveration is when someone “gets stuck” on a topic or an idea. You may have heard the term in regard to autism, but it can affect others, too. People who perseverate often say the same thing or behave in the same way over and over again. But they can get stuck on their emotions, actions, and thoughts, too.

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  3. Perseveration, in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and speech–language pathology, is the repetition of a particular response (such as a word, phrase, or gesture) regardless of the absence or cessation of a stimulus. It is usually caused by a brain injury or other organic disorder. [1]

  4. Perseveration is repetitive and continuous behavior, speech or thought that occurs due to changes in cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and mental flexibility.

  5. Sep 29, 2021 · But caring for ourselves and making sure we have what we need to be well is as Audre Lorde put it, “self-preservation.” Without tending to our own needs first, we cannot effectively serve in any of our roles as parents, partners, friends, children, workers, or community members.

  6. Oct 24, 2023 · Self-preservations meaning is more than physical. It can also apply to keeping your mental health and emotional well-being safe, whether that’s setting boundaries, maintaining your self-esteem, or taking breaks. Avoiding toxic people and situations both preserves and protects your energy.

  7. Jan 28, 2020 · Preserving health requires a holistic approach involving the component of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being as stated by World Health Organisation. Salutogenesis concept focuses on the factors responsible for well-being rather than the disease pathogenesis in contrary to pathogenesis concept.

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