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  1. Middle school can be a stressful time in life to navigate, but poetry can be a great outlet. These poems convey important life lessons, such as determination and self-acceptance.

    • Friendship Poems

      Thank You: We at Family Friend Poems are deeply grateful to...

    • See It Through

      Many of the poems by Edgar Guest (1881-1959) are encouraging...

    • Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost. Discuss symbolism with this short poem by Frost.
    • The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. Discuss the literal and figurative meanings in this poem.
    • The Rat Ode by Elizabeth Acevedo. Listen to the author herself as she performs her poetry.
    • I Lost My Talk by Rita Joe. ADVERTISEMENT. This poem follows the pain and suffering Joe experienced at Shubenacadie Residential School in Nova Scotia.
    • Five Free Verse Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Acrostic Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Haiku Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Limerick Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Tanka Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Sonnet Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Ode Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Villanelle Poems About Seventh Grade
    • Five Elegy Poems About Seventh Grade

    “First Day Jitters”

    New school year, new class, new friends, Heart racing, palms sweating, stomach-churning, Will they like me? Will I fit in? The seventh grade starts with first-day jitters. The bell rings, and we file inside, Every seat taken, every corner filled. Names spoken, assigned to our teams, I pray this isn’t just a dream. The teacher speaks, outlining the year, Expectations are high, workload is heavy. I want to learn, to make new friends, But these first-day jitters never end.

    “Locker Mishap”

    The halls are like a warzone, Students rushing, laughing, shouting, Trying to make it to class on time, But then, a dreaded sight – a stuck locker door. I panic, pulling and tugging in vain, People are rushing past, offering advice. Finally, after what feels like an hour, It opens! But my books are all over the floor. I gather them up, embarrassed and flustered, Hoping no one saw, hoping the day ends better. But in the chaos of the hallway, Anything can happen in seventh grade.

    “First Crush”

    A flutter in my heart, a blush on my cheeks, His smile was so bright my heart skipped a beat. I’m nervous, don’t know what to say or do, But class with him is the highlight of my day. I write his name in bubbly letters, Dreaming of talking to him soon. I switch classes hoping to get a glimpse, And I watch, from afar, as the bell rings at noon. He talks with other girls, and my heart aches, Wondering if he even knows I exist. But a glance, a nod, a friendly gesture, It is enough to make me fee...

    1. The New Chapter

    By Dan Higgins 2024

    5. The Age of Discovery

    By Dan Higgins 2024 Related: For more, check out our article on Starting Tenth Gradehere.

    “First Day Jitters”

    Desks filled with chatter, New faces, new books, new fears, First-day jitters reign.

    “Locker Mishap”

    Twist left, spin right, sticks tight, Hands full of books, mind on class, Locker mishap, ugh.

    “First Crush”

    My heart skips a beat fast, Smile bright, butterflies flight, First crush blossoms bright.

    “First Day Fun”

    The first day of seventh grade began, And I wished summer wasn’t quite done, But new friends would be made, And memories displayed, So I quickly joined in on the fun.

    “Locker Troubles”

    I fumble and fuss with my lock, While the bell rings and crowds start to flock, But with a turn of my wrist, My locker’s amiss, And I’m left with a backpack to stock.

    “First Crush Fiasco”

    I just couldn’t stop the heart-flutters And the thrill from the simplest of mutters But my hopes were in vain, And I felt all the pain, Of rejection and love that just alters.

    “First Day of Fall”

    Days dawn, bright and clear The first day of seventh grade Nerves flurry like leaves New faces and friends await Adventures in Autumn air

    “Maze of the School Halls”

    New school, a strange maze Navigating the halls unscathed Picking up the pace Shrieks, laughter, and books in hand Miles to go before we’re freed

    “First Crush”

    Blush of youth, first crush Mad flutter in one’s stomach Hand on the heart’s rush Talking, teasing, and daydreaming Seventh grade, young love in-bloom

    “First Day of Seventh Grade”

    With hurried steps, I walk through the open hall, My heart is racing like the wind upon the sea. A new year, new rules, new friends, and all, A day of wonder, apprehension free. Who will I meet? And who will be my guide? And what of them will I come to believe? What lessons, from the teachers, will abide? And how will I, amidst this world, achieve? Yet I step through the doors with an open mind, The first page of my story to unfold. Excitement and fear, so tightly entwined, With restless thou...

    “A Lesson in Friendship”

    Amidst a field of uncut grass, I wait, For those dear people, I cannot expel, A group of friends, we share a common fate, As we wander paths of seventh-grade hell. These journeys are full of ups and downs and more, As we learn side by side through clouds of pain, And comfort wounds from what we felt before, While reaching out as true friends once again. The solid ties we make show strength firsthand, And offer support while we brave the tide, As we march forward through trials from the land,...

    “The Lockers”

    The wheels of time turned quickly, day by day, As seventh grade now enters full swing, And just like that, along the locker way, I struggle with a lock, harp, and heartstrings. Behind this padlocked door, a world of peace, My books and notes and everything I need, But still, my third number keeps the release, And creates anxiety within with speed. When all is said and done, I’m locked away, My time has passed, and my hopes are just a bust, My eyes beg for a break from this third day, As seven...

    “Ode to the First Day”

    Oh, how you filled my heart with such delight, A brand new school year, a fresh start so bright. Excitement filled the halls as we found our seats, Learning new things and making new friends to meet. From the first bell to the last, each moment was grand, Filled with possibility and dreams in hand. Oh, the first day of seventh grade, here’s to you, A day of magic, learning, and something new.

    “Ode to My Friends”

    In seventh grade, we formed a bond so strong, A friendship that will last our whole lifelong. Through laughter and tears, ups and downs galore, We stood together, always wanting more. Weekends spent together, playing games and laughing, Walking to school, talking and sharing what’s happening. Oh, friends of seventh grade, you light up my life, You’re the sunshine after every dark night.

    “Ode to the Teachers”

    From algebra to English and history, They taught us with care, guidance and grace so worthy. They instilled knowledge, love and empathy, And created an environment so supportive in the seventh-grade community. They cheered us on through all our struggles and trials, And encouraged us to reach for the skies with all our might. Oh, teachers of the seventh grade, this ode is for you, The foundation upon which we all grew.

    1. The Dance of Youth

    In seventh grade, the world’s a changing scene, Where childhood starts to fade like morning dew. We step into life’s dance, so bright and keen. Through corridors of learning, brightly seen, We navigate our way, both old and new. In seventh grade, the world’s a changing scene. We laugh, we cry, in states between, With friendships formed, both false and true. We step into life’s dance, so bright and keen. Our hearts are open, minds are clean, Yet, adolescence brews its potent brew. In seventh g...

    2. The Echoes of Classroom Walls

    The echoes of the classroom walls resound, In seventh grade, where everything’s profound. Our voices mix in youthful harmony abound. Lessons learned, in textbooks they are found, But life’s real lessons are in the playground. The echoes of the classroom walls resound. From the school bell’s everyday sound, To the friendships that are tightly wound. Our voices mix in youthful harmony abound. The pressure to fit in is all around, In this world where we are battleground. The echoes of the classr...

    3. The Seventh Grade Symphony

    In seventh grade, we write our symphony, A blend of laughter, tears and mystery. The music of our lives begins to play. We find our voice, our unique melody, In the cacophony of growing up each day. In seventh grade, we write our symphony. Through every high note, every tragedy, We learn to find our rhythm, come what may. The music of our lives begins to play. Adolescence’s tune, a sweet reverie, An anthem for the dreams we dare to lay. In seventh grade, we write our symphony. We dance to bea...

    1. The Dawn of Adolescence

    Oh, Seventh Grade, your memory lingers still, In awkward moments and forgotten dreams, You were the bridge from childhood’s innocent thrill, To adolescence with its turbulent streams. The first dance, the first crush, the first taste of fear, Math problems that seemed like a foreign tongue, English essays filled with thoughts unclear,

  2. Oct 18, 2023 · Here are 100 quality poems selected for use in the classroom, for analysis, or exams. Subjects range from relationships, to animals, to conflict, to the environment. Many of the poems are suitable for children over the age of eight years, but the majority are aimed at students aged 11 to 17.

  3. 7th Grade Poems - Examples of all types of 7th grade poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for 7th grade.

  4. May 3, 2023 · 12 Poems your Middle Schoolers will Love. Here are 12 poems that seem to be written specifically for middle school students, along with suggestions for teaching. You’ll find a variety of poetic forms from contemporary to classic poems.

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  6. Apr 1, 2016 · A selection of poems kids love by poets like Lewis Carroll, Jack Prelutsky, Shel Silverstein, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, and more. Many of these poems are especially suitable for younger children and students in elementary school.

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