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  1. Articulation, or more specifically course articulation, is the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions such as TAFE institutes, colleges or universities. In other words, course articulation is the process by which one institution matches its courses or requirements to coursework ...

  2. What is Articulation? When the word “articulation” is used in education, it often has different meanings and connotations, depending on the setting. Articulation, for our purposes, refers specifically to course articulation–that is, the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) on ...

  3. Articulation is a concept concerned with joining separated pieces of the edu-cational process. It has great potential utility for allied health education. Artic-ulation offers a tested base and a supporting theoretical framework from which collaborative, cooperative, and coordinating activities can be rationally planned and implemented.

  4. Apr 9, 2019 · What is Articulation? Among second language educators, articulation is. "the interrelationship and continuity of contents, curriculum, instruction, and evaluation within programs which focus on the progress of the student in learning both to comprehend and communicate in a second language" (Lange, 1988).

  5. 1. Overview of Articulation; 2. When to Teach Articulation; 3. Commonly Used Terms; 4. How to Teach Articulation. 5. Lesson Plans for Teaching Articulation; 6. Videos: See It in the Classroom; 7. What the Research Says; 8. Resource Hub: Videos, Lessons, Activities; Clear Checkmarks

  6. Jun 17, 2014 · Sequencing in curriculum is about determining the order of concepts within a grade and subject. However, articulation is sequencing across grade levels and or across subjects. For example, for a math curriculum, the teacher of basic algebra may towards the end of….

  7. Aug 29, 2023 · Articulation refers specifically to course articulation: the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) at a "sending" campus that are comparable to, or accepted in lieu of, specific course requirements at a "receiving" campus.

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