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  1. May 28, 2022 · When you feel an urge to use tobacco, keep in mind that even though the urge may be strong, it will likely pass within 5 to 10 minutes whether or not you smoke a cigarette or take a dip of chewing tobacco.

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  3. Dec 6, 2023 · Cold turkey is the most natural approach to quitting smoking. It involves picking a quit date and completely removing tobacco from your life in one go. People who quit this way will have to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms that are much worse than if they used a smoking aid.

    • Angelica Bottaro
  4. Jan 20, 2020 · When the Urge to Smoke Hits, Think H.A.L.T. H.A.L.T. (which stands for H ungry, A ngry, L onely, T ired) is a powerful checklist to help you decode the urges to smoke that you experience. Nine times out of 10, a craving can be traced to one of these four states.

  5. You can try some out and use them when you quit, or learn more about them first by calling the free and confidential 1-800-QUIT-NOW quitline. Adjust your medicine. Make your environment work for you. Distract yourself. Find safe substitutes for cigarettes. Listen to what the urge says, then talk back! Ride the waves! Top of Page.

  6. Nicotine replacement therapy, prescription drugs, and other methods are available and are helpful for quitting cigarettes. There may also be some benefit to using these when you are quitting smokeless tobacco. Learn more about ways to quit so you can find the method that best suits you.

  7. Jul 8, 2024 · Cravings & Triggers. How to Manage Cravings. You won’t be able to avoid all of your triggers. And learning how to deal with triggers takes practice. So, when a craving is triggered, it’s important to have a plan to beat that urge to smoke. Cravings are uncomfortable, but they don’t last forever.

  8. Quit-Smoking Medicines. Learn what available medicines can do to help you quit smoking for good. State Quitline Services. Learn about quitline services available in your area through the North American Quitline Consortium. Tips for Quitting. Get tips to help you deal with urges and cravings. Making a Quit Plan.

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