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  1. Mar 23, 2021 · #1 The Moral Influence Theory. One of the earliest theories for the atonement is the Moral Influence theory, which simply taught that Jesus Christ came and died in order to bring about a positive change to humanity. This moral change comes through the teachings of Jesus alongside His example and actions.

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  3. The history of the various theories of the atonement is made up of differing views on the biblical themes of ransom, redemption, propitiation, substitution, and Christ as moral example.

  4. Feb 9, 2024 · The theories of atonement offer diverse perspectives on the nature and purpose of Christ's redemptive work. Each theory provides a unique framework for comprehending the significance of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, shedding light on the multifaceted dimensions of atonement.

  5. Apr 25, 2024 · The meaning of Christ’s death was to ensure God’s victory over Satan and to provide a way to redeem the world out of its bondage to evil. Mystical Theory: The mystical theory sees the atonement of Christ as a triumph over His own sinful nature through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    • Necessity of The Atonement
    • Theories of The Atonement
    • Sufficiency of Christ's Person and His Atoning Death
    • The Extent of The Atonement
    • Notes
    • Resources
    • See Also
    • External Links

    As stated above, Jesus' death satisfied and reconciled sinners to God. Yet, inorder to fully appreciate the doctrineof the atonement it must bemade clear why the atonement was necessary. See main pages: The Fall, Total depravity,Original sin

    Historic theories

    1. The Ransom Theory:The earliest of all, originating with the Early ChurchFathers, this theory claims that Christ offered himself as a ransom (Mark10:45). Where it was not clear was in its understanding of exactly to whom theransom was paid. Many early church fathers viewed the ransom as paid to Satan. 2. The Recapitulation Theory: Originated with Irenaeus (125-202AD). He sees Christ as the new Adam, who systematically undoes what Adamdid. Thus, where Adam was disobedient concerning God's ed...

    Modern theories

    1. The Declaratory Theory:A version of the Moral Influence theory, whereinChrist died to show men how greatly God loves them. This view held by AlbrechtRitschl (1822-89). 2. The Guaranty Theory:Reconciliation is based not on Christ's expiation ofsin, but on His guaranty to win followers and thus conquer human sinfulness.This view held by J. C. K. von Hofmann (1810-77). 3. The Vicarious Repentance Theory:by John McLeod Campbell (d. 1872). Itassumes that a perfect repentance is sufficient to at...

    The deity of Christ establishes the infinite intrinsic value of his person.Since Jesus Christ is the God-man, truly God and truly man, his death is also ofinfinite intrinsic value and all-sufficient as a sacrifice. The book of Hebrewsclearly says that the sufficiency of Christ's death negated the need foradditional sacrifices. The biblical word tra...

    The issue with most non-Calvinists is the doctrine of adefinite atonement(or limited atonement). This is not somuch a question of the "sufficiency" of Christ's death as it is a question ofthe design (or intent) of Christ's death. Did Christ intend to accomplish redemption, propitiation and reconciliation forevery man? Did He intend to make salvatio...

    John F. MacArthur, Open Theism's Attack on the Atonement, The Master'sSeminary Journal Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 2001.

    Charles E. Hill and Frank A. James III, eds. The Glory of the Atonement:Biblical, Theological & Practical Perspectives. IVP Academic, 2004.
    J. I. Packer and Mark Dever, In My PlaceCondemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement. Crossway, 2008.
    Peter G. Bolt, The Cross From a Distance: Atonement in Mark's Gospel. NewStudies in Biblical Theology. IVP Academic, 2004.
  6. Apr 5, 2023 · The Christian doctrine of the atonement states that Christ has atoned for human sins. This entry surveys the history of discussion of (i) the nature of atonement and its relation to other connected concepts, and (ii) theories of the Christian doctrine of atonement.

  7. The theories of Christ’s atonement tell stories of Easter’s inner workings. And the three most popular models throughout church history—Christus Victor, satisfaction theory, and penal ...

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