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  1. May 7, 2024 · If a guy is unhappy in his relationship, he will also show it. Since many guys are used to keeping quiet about their feelings, they would rather communicate through actions, mannerisms, and sometimes, signs. In this article, you will learn some signs of a guy being unhappy in his relationship. What is the meaning of being unhappy in a relationship?

    • Always complaining. Wondering why am I unhappy? An unhappy person is, at the same time, an ungrateful person. God has bestowed us with plenty of blessings, but some people do not feel satisfied with them, be it their home, money, job, or anything.
    • You are a pessimist! Pessimism arises when you do not find happiness anywhere, so you start thinking the worst of everything. It depends upon a person’s mood and their nature.
    • You get angry at petty things. Issues that do not even matter will make you angry if you are an unhappy person. A person feels irritated at little things and takes out their frustration on others.
    • Often feel lonely. You often feel as if no one wants to be your friend, nobody likes you, or you are different from others. The feeling that you can’t adjust among others constantly puts you in a bad mood.
    • He’s been complaining about your relationship for a while. The most obvious giveaway that he’s unhappy about your relationship is that he’ll tell you about it.
    • You have a dead bedroom. Married life can get quite hectic and sex oftentimes ends up taking the back seat while you deal with life. Nonetheless, every happy relationship generally sets aside the time to have a spot of fun here and there, when life eases up on you.
    • He rarely wants to spend quality time with you. You might not be entitled to all of your husband’s free time, but that sure doesn’t make his unavailability any less pleasant.
    • He’s been making a lot of mean-spirited jokes about you. Couples naturally get comfortable with one another after they’ve spent enough time together.
    • There's constant criticism. Constant criticism is an indication that feelings of love and warmth for each other are being replaced by judgment. If you're constantly criticizing each other, that's not a good sign, according to licensed therapist and co-founder of Viva Wellness Jor-El Caraballo, LMHC.
    • Your relationship has become sexless. Another sign of an unhappy marriage is a virtually nonexistent sex life. Or, when you do have sex on the rare occasion, it's not great.
    • You struggle to spend time together. Being around each other may feel like a chore, or extremely forced. Without the sense of intimacy that was once there, you may feel like you have nothing to say—and also don't really care what they have to say.
    • You stop sharing wins with each other. When something exciting happens, who's the first one you call? If it was once your spouse and now it's a friend or family member, that's a sign your marriage has taken a hit.
  2. Nov 12, 2022 · Recognizing that you may be unhappy in your relationship can bring on confusion, sadness, and even fear. Can the relationship be fixed, or is it all over? If you're unhappy in your relationship but scared to leave, this one is for you.

  3. Dec 4, 2018 · 1. The person makes angry, entitled statements. We've probably all had the experience of hearing someone make a statement and thinking "Wow, that sounds so entitled." For instance, the...

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  5. May 17, 2021 · Research has shown that staying in an unhappy relationship can result in lower levels of happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and overall health. If you're feeling extra self-conscious lately, it might be due to a lack of support you're feeling in your relationship.

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