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  1. Feb 27, 2016 · many a (formal): used with a singular noun and verb to mean ‘a large number of’: Many a good man has been destroyed by drink. So, they practically mean the same thing, but the second one is more formal, and less common in modern English.

  2. People also ask

    • 7 Root Causes of Rudeness
    • Overwhelmed by Circumstances
    • Be Humankind

    Although the frustrations and stresses of modern day life are clearly a factor, there are many influences and conditions that cause people to be rude, disrespectful, and inconsiderate. Let’s take a more analytical approach and consider if there could be more than just our frenetic 21stcentury lifestyle behind the rise in rudeness. What are some oth...

    The happy truth about human beings is that the majority are decent people who are occasionally so overwhelmed by circumstances that they lash out verbally and take out their frustration on innocent parties. It’s thankfully very rare to find a person who is rude just for the sake of it. They are out there, for sure, but they aren’t the norm and even...

    Overall, I must confess to being from the ‘manners maketh man’ (and woman, naturally) school of thought. You might put that down to my age and upbringing and you wouldn’t be wrong! I truly believe, however, that humankind can only continue to exist happily on our ever more crowded home planet if the majority of people treat each other with kindness...

  3. Jul 20, 2014 · Talking about those posts with some friends prompted this one: what’s the difference between a couple, few, some, several, or many? For example, if someone tells you have a few options, how many do you have? Three? Four? More? A couple: Everyone seems to agree that “a couple” means two.

  4. Aug 28, 2021 · According to Florida State University’s Allison Daurio and Jeanette Taylor (2021), the quality of meanness is one of 3 defining features of psychopathy, the personality trait characterized by...

    • Low Self-Esteem. It’s often the case that disrespectful people have years of experience on the receiving end of others’ meanness or lack of respect. If someone is convinced that they don’t deserve kindness or respect, why should they assume you do?
    • Overwhelm and Emotional Baggage. Low self-esteem isn’t the only thing that can drag people down and cause them to lash out at others. Mean people are usually dealing with a truckload of emotional baggage and might feel overwhelmed by it and by the weight of their personal problems, whatever they may be
    • Personality Disorders or Mental Illness. Whether because of childhood trauma or neglect or because of a chemical imbalance or physical injury, a personality disorder may be at the root of someone’s disrespectful or mean behavior.
    • Cultural Differences. What you might consider mean behavior someone else might consider normal is because that’s what they grew up with or because their culture rewards brash or aggressive behavior.
  5. Jul 20, 2023 · Identify Why They Are Being So Mean. Identifying the reason a person is being mean can help you to not internalize the meanness. Although there is never an excuse for mean behavior, understanding the reasons behind it can help you avoid taking it personally.

  6. Sep 26, 2021 · Somehow if someone said a "great many" people attended a meeting or a concert, I would assume thousands, whereas if they said a "good many" attended, I would assume dozens. But perhaps it's relative to expectations: a "great many" means many more than usual or expected, a "good many" means a satisfactory number.

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