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  1. The How Can It Be Gluten Free Cookbook Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Gluten Free Jam Cookie
    I came up with this brilliant idea to make cookies for all of our neighbors, family, and friends. I had four gluten free recipes, three from another gluten free blog and one from a gluten free cookbook. Two pounds of butter, four eggs, six cups of gluten free flour,eight hours, and one screaming baby later, I was completely ready to give up. The recipes were not working out the way I had envisioned! A couple of them tasted terrible, the other two either rose up too high or not at all. I went to bed thinking that cookies were just not going to happen this Christmas. But when I awoke the next morning, I realized that I could not give up. The world needs cookies! Heck, it's Christmas. Santa needs cookies! I recalled a childhood memory with my Great Grandma Dorothy, watching her make delicious sugar cookies, and how special it made me feel when I ate them. My kids, friends, and family deserved to feel that too. There are few things in this world that can make you feel more special than a gift of homemade cookies. I had to press on. When I started in the morning I didn't have much of a plan, but before I knew it I had mistakenly combined two of the recipes into one. Either by some divine miracle, complete dumb luck, or unknown brilliant skill, the dough turned out to be a nice consistency. The cookies followed and turned out amazing as well. I churned out batch after batch of little miracle sugar cookies. Some of them I smothered in chocolate and walnuts while the others were treated to double level jam filled bliss. Christmas was saved and my loved ones would not have to endure the depravity of a cookie-less holiday season. I had conquered and created a magnificent treat that is as delicious as it is gluten free. These can be enjoyed anytime of the year!
    Gluten Free Pizza Crust
    You will not believe this pizza crust is gluten-free. It has a fantastic texture, you can pick it up and it doesn't fall apart, and it's easy to make! It's based on a recipe in a Bette Hagman gluten-free cookbook, I don't remember which one. I just tried it for the first time tonight, and I'm so excited with how it turned out, I just had to share it. (btw, I used chana flour for the bean flour, that's chickpea or garbanzo flour)
    Gluten Free Blender Pecan Pie
    This dish is literally child’s play – homage to the basics: simple, fun, healthy and happy. It really is the embodiment of blend and live. Just throw everything in your blender and puree until smooth. It takes less than 5 minutes. How easy is that? More importantly, it is absolutely delicious; and dare I say it, downright impressive. This pie has been a staple treat in my family for about 30 years. Mom found this recipe in an old Southern cookbook at a second hand book store on a trip to New Orleans back in the 80’s and we have been chowing down with joy ever since! The cookbook is long gone, but the memories still remain. Over the years mom and I have experimented and adapted this recipe using natural sweeteners, dairy-free milks and gluten-free flours. For those of you not on a restricted diet, feel free to use regular cow’s milk, wheat flour and sugar. However, I can honestly say that it tastes better this way, and we all know it is more healthy.