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  1. › wiki › PolenPolen – Wikipedia

    Polen (polska: Polska) formellt Republiken Polen (polska: Rzeczpospolita Polska), är en republik i Centraleuropa. Polen gränsar till Tyskland i väst, Tjeckien och Slovakien i söder, Ukraina och Belarus i öst samt Litauen och Ryssland (Kaliningrad oblast) i norr. Landet har även maritim gräns i Östersjön i norr mot danska Bornholm och ...

    • ▼ 26,8
    • ▲ 0,876 (34:e)
  2. Rysslands riksvapen. Rysslands riksvapen. Rysslands riksvapen innehåller motiv som övertagits från det gamla ryska kejsardömet. I mitten finns Moskvas vapen med Sankt Göran och draken, som användes för att symbolisera hela Ryssland ända sedan landet bildades av storfursten av Moskva. Hjärtskölden hålls av en dubbelörn, en gammal ...

  3. Polsk-litauiska samväldets riksvapen var en sammanställning av Polens statsvapen och Litauens statsvapen och representerade unionen mellan länderna. Se även. Litauens riksvapen; Polens riksvapen; Ukrainas riksvapen; Belarus riksvapen

    • Until The Unification of Germany
    • 1871 Until The Treaty of Versailles
    • Germanisation of Poles in Ruhr Area
    • Germanisation Plans During First World War
    • Reversal of Germanisation After End of German Rule Over Polish Territories
    • See Also
    • References

    Following the partitions, the previous Germanisation attempts pursued by Frederick the Great in largely Roman Catholic and formerly Austrian Silesia were naturally extended to encompass the newly gained Polish territories. The Prussian authorities started the policy of settling German speaking ethnic groups in these areas. Frederick the Great settl...

    Within Bismarck's Kulturkampf policy, the Poles were purposefully presented as "foes of the empire" (German: Reichsfeinde). Bismarck himself privately believed that the only solution to Polish Question was the extermination of Poles. As the Prussian authorities suppressed Catholic services in Polish by Polish priests, the Poles had to rely on Germa...

    Another form of Germanisation of Poles was the relation between the German state and Polish coal miners in the Ruhr Area. Due to migration within the German Empire, an enormous stream of Polish nationals (as many as 350,000) made their way to the Ruhr in the late 19th century, where they worked in the coal and iron industries. Because of the variou...

    During the First World War, the German Empire planned to annex up to 35,000 square kilometers of pre-war Congress Poland and ethnically cleanse between 2 and 3 million Poles and Jews out of these territories to make room for German settlers.

    After World War I ended, the Germanisation of those Polish territories which were restored to Polandwas largely reversed, although significant German minorities continued to exist. The American historian of German descent Richard Blanke in his book Orphans of Versailles names several reasons for the exodus of the German population. The author has b...

    Abrams, Lynn (1995). Bismarck and the German Empire, 1871-1918. Routledge. p. 24. ISBN 0-415-07781-8.
    Klaus J. (EDT) Bade, Myron Weiner (2002). Migration Past, Migration Future. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. p. 11. ISBN 0-415-07781-8.
    Zybura, Marek (2004). Niemcy w Polsce. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie. ISBN 83-7384-171-7.
  4. Polens statsvapen under kommunistiskt styre. Notera avsaknaden av kungakrona ovanpå den vita örnens huvud. 1952 infördes en ny konstitution där arbetarklassen utnämndes till den ledande klassen i samhället, och Folkrepubliken Polen (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa) utropades.

  5. Riksvåpen. Det norske riksvåpenet utanfor den norske ambassaden i Bulgaria. Riksvåpen eller statsvåpen er heraldiske våpen for land, i første rekkje sjølvstendige statar eller statsforbund, i vidare tyding også visse undernasjonale område. Som nasjonalflagg har dei ei viktig offisiell stilling som biletlege symbol for landet.

  6. The Grand Duchy of Posen (German: Großherzogtum Posen; Polish: Wielkie Księstwo Poznańskie) was part of the Kingdom of Prussia, created from territories annexed by Prussia after the Partitions of Poland, and formally established following the Napoleonic Wars in 1815.