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  1. Pea Soup Ingredients - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Ingredients German Split Pea Soup
    Ingredients German Split Pea Soup With Dried Peas, Bacon Cubes, Kassler, Sausages, Onion, Carrots, Leek, Bay Leaves, Potatoes, Salt, Pepper, Parsley, Butter Oil, Spring Water
    5-ingredient Green Vegan Pea Soup
    5-ingredient Green Vegan Pea Soup With Onion, Garlic, Large Potatoes, Peas, Vegetable Broth, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Pepper, Fresh Herbs, Parsley, Lovage, Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Yogurt, Peas, Thyme, Chopped Peanuts
    Split Pea Soup
    This classic soup is what cozy tastes like. Hearty, protein-rich, inexpensive split peas simmer with just the right veggies and seasonings, to create a satisfying meal whenever you crave comfort. It is so easy; anyone can make it. <br> Dried split peas, with an earthy, vegetable flavor, are paired with the perfect amount of onions, celery, and carrot, to make the tastiest split pea soup you will ever have. A ham bone adds not only meat to the soup, but also lends it’s smoky saltiness, so that pepper is the only seasoning you’ll add! We love the variety of textures you get in every spoonful: softened split peas with chunks of ham and slices of carrot—such a delicious concoction to dive into. You are only 6 ingredients away from the best-tasting split pea soup around! <br> This is what your body craves, when there’s a chill in the air or it is plain cold outside. It is one for the winter dinner rotation or an amazing homemade lunch that warms you from the inside out.
    5 Ingredient Pea and Mint Soup
    5 Ingredient Pea And Mint Soup With Baking Potato, White Onion, Frozen Peas, Vegetable Stock, Fresh Mint, Vegetable Stock, Fresh Mint, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper
    Minted Split Pea Soup with Harissa
    Pea soup is one of my favorites. There&#39;s something very homey, comforting and enticing about a beautiful bowl made from your grandmother&#39;s recipe. If you&#39;re like me, it&#39;s likely that your family recipe includes ham and several hours in a crock pot. So, when I dusted off some classic pea soup recipes with an eye toward a quick, healthy meat free (and, as it turns out, slightly international) version, this is what I came up with. One of the key characteristics of a good pea soup is the smokiness from the ham. I pondered several ways to provide that smoky flavor without using any animal ingredients. Liquid smoke? Not an do they even put something that tastes and smells like smoked food in a bottle? Perhaps I&#39;d rather not know. Fire roasted red peppers? Another no...the peppers have too distinct a taste and would likely overpower the delicate peas. Hmmm....rummaging through cupboards...chipoltes? Too hot. Toasted nuts sprinkled on top? Nope..something about nuts and peas together in a soup just doesn&#39;t work for me. A jar of harissa spice? YES! That should work nicely!
    Lemony Yellow Pea Soup
    To make this soup use yellow split peas, its the secret ingredient according to my colleague. This makes a wonderful lunch served with garlic bread and a light fruit salad.
    Pea and Watercress Soup
    Great soup with simple ingredients!! A good boost of vitamins in the soup as well.
    5 Ingredient Pea and Mint Soup (And a FREE Cookbook!!)
    5 Ingredient Pea And Mint Soup (and A Free Cookbook!!) With Baking Potato, White Onion, Frozen Peas, Vegetable Stock, Fresh Mint, Vegetable Stock, Fresh Mint, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper
    5-Ingredient Spring Vegetables Soup
    5-ingredient Spring Vegetables Soup With Medium Carrots, Celery Stalks, Large Potatoes, Fresh Peas, Onion, Salt, Vegetable Stock, Sunflower Oil