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  1. 14 hours ago · Between Jan 1 and Sept 19, SMS Hospital reported 400 scrub typhus cases, and the additional 130 cases came in just seven days, raising concerns among health experts. Prolonged rains have led to an ...

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  3. 14 hours ago · The military machine Napoleon the artilleryman had created was perfectly suited to fight short, violent campaigns, but whenever a long-term sustained effort was in the offing, it tended to expose feet of clay. [...] In the end, the logistics of the French military machine proved wholly inadequate. The experiences of short campaigns had left the French supply services completed unprepared for ...

  4. 6 hours ago · In September, Agilus Laboratory witnessed a 15 per cent increase (over August) in fever panel tests at the in Gurugram reference lab. Fever panel tests typically cover diseases like dengue, H1N1, chikungunya, typhoid, flu, malaria, leptospira, scrub typhus and other tests like complete blood count, ESR, and CRP among others.

  5. 14 hours ago · + to reduce the spread of disease by killing the species of mosquito that spreads malaria and the lice that carry typhus; + and in agriculture as an insecticide/pesticide to prevent insect damage ...

  6. 14 hours ago · Das deutsche Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) ist ein Bundesgesetz gegen gemeingefährliche oder übertragbare Krankheiten bei Menschen. Es wurde im Jahr 2000 beschlossen und regelt die zu seiner Zweckerfüllung notwendige Mitwirkung und Zusammenarbeit von Behörden des Bundes, der Länder und der Kommunen, von Ärzten, Tierärzten, Krankenhäusern, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen sowie ...

  7. 14 hours ago · James MacSmith. First published 20 Sep 2024, 11:47am. It was meant to ‘benefit all of humanity’ but this ‘killer’ wallpaper did the exact opposite and it is still having a devastating impact in Aussie homes today. “Protect your children against disease-carrying insects!” screamed the advertising poster for the ‘killer’ wallpaper.

  8. 14 hours ago · У 1915 – 1918, 1921, 1925 та 1940 – 1942 роках Нобелівську премію в галузі фізіології або медицини не присуджували [4]. З-поміж 227 лауреатів премії лише 13 є жінками. Першою жінкою, яка здобула премію стала ...

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