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  1. We review many of the recent findings concerning mechanisms and pathways for pain and its modulation, emphasizing sensitization and the modulation of nociceptors and of dorsal horn nociceptive neurons.

  2. Mar 13, 2019 · Results Pain pathways represent a complex sensory system with cognitive, emotional, and behavioral influences. Anatomically, the hippocampus, amygdala, and anterior cortex—central to the encoding and consolidation of memory—are also implicated in experiential aspects of pain.

  3. Introduction. Pain is a vital function of the nervous system in providing the body with a warning of potential or actual injury. It is both a sensory and emotional experience, affected by psychological factors such as past experiences, beliefs about pain, fear or anxiety.

  4. Pain involves a complex interplay between messages sent from the periphery to the central nervous system and vice versa. Specific pathways play a vital role in carrying these messages, and modulating, or exacerbating their downstream effects. This review describes the anatomy and physiology of pain emphasizing targeted treatment pathways of pain.

  5. The pain pathway, as classically understood, consists of a three-neuron chain that transmits pain signals from the periphery to the cerebral cortex.

  6. VIEW PROFESSIONAL VERSION. GET THE QUICK FACTS. Causes of Pain. Evaluation of Pain. Pain is an unpleasant sensation signaling actual or possible injury. Pain is the most common reason people seek medical care. Pain may be sharp or dull, intermittent or constant, or throbbing or steady. Sometimes pain is very difficult to describe.

  7. Jul 10, 2022 · Overview. Pain can be classified temporally (acute versus chronic) or based on the site of origin (visceral versus somatic). Acute pain, as the name suggests, occurs suddenly and usually follows very recent insult (iatrogenic trauma, myocardial infarction). Chronic pain has a more protracted course progressing over months to years.

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